4 years ago
Patch 3.1

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Free Agent - NA

Hi! My name is Renba, I'm a flex player who started off on switch. I've taken a few breaks from the game, but I've always hovered around gold-plat ranks. This is a tier list for low elo. (That being anything below diamond.) So many champions on this tierlist will differ from most.


Vivian Vivian
Buck Buck
Inara Inara

Vivian - The most basic character in the game. She has an SMG with a ton of bullets and a shield for protection. You should pretty much only be running opportunity in chaos with her. Since all you need to do is shoot continuously, you can get the extra damage easily. Flankers shouldn't be too much to worry about, as they'll often move in predictable patterns. Plus, the shield.

Buck - Another pretty simple character that is extremely strong with Bulk Up. In lower ELO, people find it hard to deal with Buck because of his large damage output. You can mitigate your squishiness with Bulk Up and his DR card at max. Even if they grab caut, you still get the DR from activating recovery! You'll be pretty much unkillable, and able to dive into unsuspecting backlines with ease.

Inara- Just an unkillable tank. Very simple to use, has a simple purpose. Just don't die. Her kit makes that pretty easy, plus everyone will be wasting their resources just to kill you because you're the largest target. Mother's Grace is the way to go, unless you absolutely need that cripple.


Zhin Zhin
Viktor Viktor
Bomb King Bomb King
Maeve Maeve
Moji Moji
Terminus Terminus

Zhin - A high damage flank with many defensive abilities. Players in low ELO will often waste their cooldowns on a billowing or blocking Zhin. Making them easy pickings.

Viktor - Simple and strong. Burst Mode is for the strongest damage output, but cardio can also work in these ranks for the DR if its needed. You can often burst people down before they can give you a second glance. His ult is also fast charging and extremely strong since they'll most likey be clustered onto point.

Bomb King - Easy to learn and a fairly simple kit. Most lower ELO players won't know how to handle your burst damage, and will come running at you face first. Only to be met by a barage of bombs to the face.

Maeve- Easy to pick up and extremely mobile. She's hard to hit and packs a huge punch with Cat Burglar. Being able to kite your enemies and burst them down makes Maeve a deadly flanker. Just get used to her Nine Lives resets, and you'll be set.

Moji - You should only be using Toot or Boom Boom. Moji is a pretty strong flank in low ELO due to her insane burst damage. Plus, people in lower ELO will hit your magic barrier often and give you the magic marks you need to gain your burst damage. She's also decently mobile, and if you take Toot you'll have extra healing sustain. Her ult is also a tank killer almost 100% of the time.

Terminus - Similar to Moji, Terminus is quite strong in lower ELOs because people feed his siphon charges. Decimation or Crush are probably your best talents to take on him.


Khan Khan
Raum Raum
Grover Grover
Tyra Tyra

Khan - Simple to play and easy to pick up. Khan is mostly favored for his Vortex Grip talent, which allows you to get important stuns on enemy champions. Stuns will most often equal a kill, so you're almost always in a 5v4. Storm of Bullets is also a good option, but requires good aim and tracking to be worth more than Grip at the moment.

Raum - Raum can also basically be unkillable but unlike Inara, it's much easier to misposition as Raum since he has a far dash. However, many lower ELO players will not be able to track your dashes or focus you fast enough, and it might earn you a pick on a backline squishy. Just be sure you're not straying too far from your team without knowing it's safe.

Grover - Very easy to pick up and learn. Deep roots allows for easy and massive CC, allowing your team to get easy picks off crippled targets. Roots is especially useful for flanks like Maeve and Buck who rely most on their mobility. Grover has to play close to his teammates and his vine is a bit buggy though.

Tyra - Burn Monster is the bane of low ELO players' existence. It's a massive AOE cripple that they are guaranteed to step in. Apply your mark for extra damage and cripple that pesky Raum or Maeve, and they'll be dead before you know it. Tyra is a highly immobile champion though, and needs to play a bit safer.


Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Cassie Cassie
Barik Barik

Mal'damba: Since Ripened Gourd is his go-to talent at the moment, Maldamba has dropped a bit in skill requirement. Even if you can't hit all of your snake heals, your gourd will still be an option to massively AOE heal your team. Maldamba is quite susceptible to flanks though, if you can't hit your reload stuns.

Cassie - A bit harder to aim with, but Impulse allows you to do the easy blast shot combo and kill almost any flanker with it. With a reset card for her roll and lifesteal, Cassie is quite hard to kill and can dish out a lot of burst.

Barik - Easy to play and has a lot of sustain. His turrets offer some extra poke and healing, and your reset cards on your dash plus bowling ball will keep you alive. Tinkertin and Architechtonics are the two talents you should aim for, though Tinkertin is more aim heavy.


Tiberius Tiberius
Talus Talus
Ash Ash
Seris Seris

Tiberius - Spam king. Use combat trance and spam down a line, you're bound to kill something. You don't need to get too close to the action to deal massive amounts of damage. Ult can be hard to use and lead to mispositioning.

Talus - An annoying flank with the safety of a teleporter. Talus has high burst potential and can be hard to catch. However, you need to make sure you're placing your teleporter in a safe spot. Ult can also lead to mispositioning.

Ash - A bully with a ton of sustain, Ash can deal lots of damage to squishies and some tanks. Battering ram or fortress breaker are the two talents to take on her, depending if you're main or off tank. Her ult is also an AOE stun with damage immunity, so you can contest and play it safe. Though again, her playstyle can lead to mispositioning.

Seris - Extremely easy, literally only heals. Has an easy escape option with shadow travel and her ultimate can mean a teamfight win. However, she only brings healing to the table, and can be hard countered by cauterize.


Jenos Jenos
Furia Furia
Lian Lian
Androxus Androxus

Jenos - A very easy support to pick up and learn, healing through walls allows you to play it safe and luminary gives your damage and flanks an extra boost. However, since his range nerfs, Jenos needs to play closer to fights to heal up his team. And with how squishy he is, that can be deadly.

Furia - Since the nerfs to wrath and her ultimate, Furia has to work extra hard to be the DPS support hybrid she once was. She's still very good with Cherish, but needs to heal and poke even more to get that damage output you'll desire. You also have to be closer to your team for them to get the buffs of your ultimate, which can be pretty dangerous. Do not go Solar Blessing, because nobody is coordinated enough to make it work.

Lian - Hard to aim with but her combos are easy to master. The only thing keeping her down at A is that her Eminence talent is bugged. Otherwise, very solid DPS. But can be easily caught out due to her immobility and the nerf to her ultimate.

Androxus: A mobile flank with a lot of damage potential. Low ELO players will often feed his reversal so he can get easy damage off on them. Androxus is a pretty aim intensive champion though, which is his only downside. Godslayer and Cursed Revolver are his best talents to work with.


Willo Willo
Koga Koga
Ruckus Ruckus

Willo - A damage with okay mobility and okay damage. Really the only thing keeping her in A is her deadzone. Low ELO players, especially tanks, will sit in her deadzone until they die and receive no healing. It makes teamfights much easier, and compensates for her lack of major pressure. If you go Scorn, seedlings are also easy to hit since they'll be mostly clustered on point.

Koga - Koga is a very slippery flank that can be hard to track for lower ELO players. However he's very easy to misposition with and can be played too aggressively, as he is very easy to burst down once you catch him.

Ruckus - Ruckus is a decent offtank with a lot of damage, especially from his missile talent. Ruckus is mobile and has good burst potential, so he can pick off unsuspecting squishies easily. However, Ruckus can be easily mispositioned with his jumps and he's surprisingly low sustain, even with his shield. His ult can also be a free kill for the enemy team if used at the wrong time.


Dredge Dredge
Drogoz Drogoz
Strix Strix
Skye Skye
Grohk Grohk

Dredge - High burst potential, especially with hurl. However Dredge is easily caught out, as his primary fire can be hard to hit and his secondary has a detonate timer. His portals are a meh way to escape and can be camped. He's situational and should only be played on Ice Mines or against a team that would just feed into his damage easily.

Drogoz - While Drogoz can be a massive threat, Vivian, Viktor, and Tyra are all very prevalent in low ELO play. They pretty much counter him directly, and it can be difficult to maneuver around them. His ult can either be a free pick for your team or the enemy team. You'll have to know your limits and play safely if they have a hitscan.

Strix - A relatively safe sniper since he has a stealth and blind, but still very mechanically challenging. You need to hit your shots or you aren't doing much of anything.

Skye - Skye can be deadly with debilitate, but with illuminate being so cheap she often just gets countered. Can be good against low ELO tanks especially, but isn't a super ideal flanker as she can easily be picked off. Her ultimate can be very useful in low ELO though, since most of the team stacks on point.

Grohk - Healer Grohk can't heal enough and requires a lot of smart totem placement. Damage Grohk is fine, but there are other damage champions that can do his job much better, such as Vivian. His ult is very good though, but he can be picked off easily if used at a bad time.


Io Io
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Kinessa Kinessa
Imani Imani
Ying Ying
Torvald Torvald
Fernando Fernando

Io - While Io is most definitely the strongest healer in the game right now, I wouldn't recommend her to low ELO players because she requires a ton of micromanagement. Luna placement is key and so is managing your Moonlight, knowing what cards you have to refill your moonlight, etc. If you do run Io you should only be using Goddess Blessing for the DR.

Sha Lin - Aside from the FPS drop bug, Sha Lin is extremely mechanically intensive. If you can't hit your arrows, you're just dead. Point blank and period. If they buy illuminate, they'll see you through withdraw stealth and kill you immediately.

Kinessa - Only lower than strix because she's easier to be picked off. Aim intensive as well, though her ult can mean a free kill or two.

Imani - Only good thing about Imani is her ultimate. Since many people in low ELO don't buy Bulldozer, her dragon can win teamfights. Other than that, she doesn't bring much damage to the table and her root can be somehwat wonky to hit, along with her flame cannon. She can easily be killed during her glide, and just doesn't bring enough on her own to be much higher.

Ying - Ying is a fantastic healer, but also requires a lot of micromanagement and smart illusion placement. Otherwise, you'll be teleporting to bad locations and your team won't have much healing. She's difficult to play and can be useless if played incorrectly, aside from her ultimate which is always good.

Torvald - Is somewhat useful. He can get easy ults off because the enemy will usually be grouped together, and he can pocket specific people with shields. This can sometimes be hard for low elo players to deal with, especially if you're pocketing a Vivian or Moji. But Torvald is squishy, a giant target, and easily picked off. He doesn't do any damage either, so he's pretty much a bubble bot.

Fernando - Fernando is hard to make work as either an offtank or a main tank. He doesn't have a ton of sustain, but also doesn't have a ton of damage. Overall he's a strange champion that you should really only play if you're skilled with him, or if he's your only option.


Evie Evie
Lex Lex
Atlas Atlas
Makoa Makoa
Pip Pip
Corvus Corvus

Evie - While Evie players can be Gods, she is extremely hard to learn and master. She requires insane amounts of CD management, aim, positioning, etc., because she's the squishiest character in the game. Would not recommend Evie for low ELO ranked unless you're extremely experienced and skilled with her.

Lex - Lex is just bad. Basically immobile, his burst is weak, his ultimate can miss even though you're right in their face. He just isn't worth it, and his bounty system is completely RNG and can screw you over if you get a bad target.

Atlas - Again, very difficult micromanaging champion. Extremely easy to feed on. Would definitely not recommend.

Makoa - Can only be played if you're skilled with him. Landing hooks can be difficult and overall his kit has become underwhelming due to all the nerfs he received. He's become less tankier, has less damage, and is just extremely hard to play and do well with in this meta.

Pip - Healer Pip is too easily countered by cauterize, both combat medic and mega potion. He has either a slow heal with his gun, or a burst heal with the potion. He's easy to hit as he has a giant hitbox, and can't flank well because of just how easy he is to pick off. His ultimate is still decent, but not worth the rest of the trouble.

Corvus - Undecided. Need to experiment with him more.

Unranked Champions
13 Champions
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx