5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

Hello there!

This tierlist is based on the tail end of the Future's End update and as such does not yet include any changes from the Street Style update. (E.g. Zhin's Billow nerf/buff, Ash's health nerf etc.)

(A little) About myself

I've consistently held a high Gold to Mid Platinum rank, as such this tierlist is based off my experience at that level of play with some influence from observing those better than me.

(Matchmaking has often put me with and against Diamond, Master and even a small handful of Grandmaster ranks. This will mean more or less to you depending on how positively you view the matchmaking system. I personally view it as a mistake on the matchmaking's end.)

Important Notes!

Champions are laid out on the tierlist very intentionally.

The order goes: Frontline, Support, Damage, Flank.

The champions are then arranged there in order of who I view as being higher tiered within the tier itself from left to right.

For example: in the S- tier regarding the Damage champions, I placed Tyra furthest to the left as I feel she's stronger then the other three, with Imani being second strongest, Viktor as third and Drogoz as fourth.

Also: When it says 'potential' or 'potentially', it generally means if the correct legendary card/talent and/or loadout is selected.

Having never made a tierlist before I'm only assuming that comments can be left, if that is the case constructive criticism is more than welcome, as well as any discussions and/or debates. If no comments can be left then oh well! :D (Also please up-vote)


Makoa Makoa
Grover Grover
Koga Koga
Overpowered: (Must ban or find something to act as a counter)

Makoa: Good damage. 4th tankiest in the game before Leviathan. Potential burst heal in Shell spin. Shield blocks every direction. Anchor allows for easy displacement and eliminations. Ult is a health reset. Ult grants a temporary massive base health pool.

Grover: Effortless healing. Can heal everyone for the same value at once. Heals through walls and obstacles. Damage scaling at range can potentially force enemies to get close. Cripple and Slow to shut down dives/escapes. Ult is game changing.

Koga: [Only SS if paired with Torvold and/or Jenos, otherwise an S] Strong mobility with Agility. Considerable damage in Dragon Stance. Dragon Stance and Agility can be held indefinitely with proper healing/management. Can hard carry if combined with Torvold and/or Jenos due to damage and movement speed buffs.


Ash Ash
Inara Inara
Torvald Torvald
Khan Khan
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Cassie Cassie
Lian Lian
Imani Imani
Priority: (Not as much of a priority for banning. Still a real threat that potentially needs some counter/work around)

Ash: Tankiest in the game. Potential minor self-sustain. 2 strong knockbacks. Shield is designed to push into areas. Ult is a powerful space maker. Ult often guarantees 1-2 eliminations.

Inara: 2nd tankiest in the game. Potential self-sustain. Strong damage mitigation. Mother's Grace grants CC immunity and even stronger damage mitigation. Earthern Guard is level 4 rejuvenate. Strong slow and potential cripple. Ult is a powerful stun. No real mobility.

Torvold: Good damage. Tankiest in the game (counting personal shield). Can give allies 200 health shield for 3s. Can give up to 50% increase movement speed to shielded allies. Can give 30% damage buff to shielded allies. Nullify can shut down dives/escapes. Can regenerate personal shield (Could count as self-sustain). Ult can easily clear an objective. No real mobility.

Khan: High damage. Burst heal. Momentary damage immunity. Can single out enemies to be focused. Potential 2s stun. Strong 'personal' shield. Ult guarantees 1 elimination.

Mal'Damba: Strong healing. Sustained and potential burst heal. AoE and direct heal. Can self-heal. 1s stun on reload. Good damage at short range. Damage and CC immune in Slither. Ult can easily clear an objective. potential to be a strong damage dealer.

Cassie: Good damage at all ranges. AoE and direct damage. Knockback in Disengage. Low CD on Dodge Roll. Big Game allows for easy tank shredding and massive burst. Big Game ignores damage mitigation(s). Ult is global 8s wall hack for self and allies. Ult grants 30% increased movement speed and CC immunity.

Lian: Good damage at short and mid range. Potential CD resets. 2 auto-aim damaging abilities. Low CD on Grace. All damage methods but ult can apply cauterise and wrecker. Potential strong burst at long range. Ult often guarantees 1 kill. Kills with ult refund 50% ult charge. Damage and CC immune whilst channelling ult.

Imani: High damage. Short, mid, and long range. Decent burst damage. Good CC with Frost Bomb. Ult is potentially game changing. Vulnerable and defenceless in ult. Vertical mobility from Frostfire Glide is lacking.


Seris Seris
Furia Furia
Bomb King Bomb King
Vivian Vivian
Zhin Zhin
Solid: (Nothing wrong with picking them. Next to always a safe pick)

Seris: Can safely heal at long range. Strong burst heal. Heal is auto-aim. Low CD on heal. Potential decent self heal. Good escape ability. Good self-sustain. Ult is potentially game changing.

Furia: Good damage. Potential CD resets. Both burst and sustained heal. Solar Blessing is a mega heal for allies. Potential good self-heal. Ult is considered one of the best support ults in the game.

Bomb King: Good burst damage. Strong CC in stun and knockback. Strong zoning potential. Can choose when to detonate explosives. Good burst mobility with Poppy Bomb. Ult generally guarantees 1-2 eliminations.

Vivian: Good sustained damage. Excellent awareness with wall hacks from Sensor Drones. Can self-shield. Good sustained damage due to shield. Can shoot for considerable time before needing to reload. Ult grants even more damage. No real mobility.

Zhin: Good damage at short and mid range. Yomi allows for long range. Whirl can disorientate some players. Billow allows for easy escape. Easy to escape/survive. Ult guarantees 1 elimination.


Barik Barik
Fernando Fernando
Pip Pip
Ying Ying
Tyra Tyra
Viktor Viktor
Drogoz Drogoz
Evie Evie
Androxus Androxus
Talus Talus
Good: (Good for filling particular roles. Generally a safe pick)

Barik: Smallest health pool of all frontliners. Good damage with Tinkerin'. Good mobility. Good survivability. Potential self-sustain from turrets. Turrets can dismount enemies easily. Turrets can alert him to enemies. Good shielding. Good area control. Ult has the biggest shield in the game. Ult is great for zoning. [A jack of all trades. He can be aggressive like Khan or Ruckus, or defensive like Inara or Terminus. This flexibility comes at the cost of excelling at neither aggressiveness or defensiveness. He's also somewhat dependant on his turrets for self-sustain, their destruction leaves him vulnerable more often than not]

Fernando: 3rd tankiest in the game. Potential self-sustain when at low health. One of the largest shields in the game (Both in terms of health and general size). In-hand does DoT and initial damage. DoT applies cauterise. The best in the game for applying cauterise. Decent mid and long range burst with Fireball. Ult can deny bigger ults (E.g. Drogoz, Bomb KIng etc.). Ult can be game changing. [Can be used for both defensive and aggressive play, though he favours aggressive. Other frontliners are better suited to both roles than him.]

Pip: Strong burst heal. Heal goes through walls and obstacles. Potential CD reset on heal. Strong self-heal. Heal can potentially be doubled in strength with Mega Potion, this allows him to potentially solo heal. Strong slow. Slow can potentially mark enemies with Catalyst, whilst marked they're revealed to him and he deals 40% increased damage to them. Good burst mobility. Ult is potentially game changing. Ult often guarantees 1-3 eliminations. Ult often relies on allies to help.

Ying: [Without Life Exchange: Good healing. Healing can be spread out. Decent damage.]

[With Life Exchange: Some of the best healing in the game. Hitscan heal. Healing can be spread out. Low damage.]

Good self-heal. One of the trickiest movement abilities in the game. Dimensional Link can block big ults (E.g. Drogoz, Bomb King etc.). Can re-position better than almost any other champion if Dimensional Link is used properly. Ult is global. Ult grants healing to allies capable of rivalling a Grover ult.

Tyra: High Damage. Direct and AoE damage. Strong zoning. Fire Bomb does % of health as damage (easily melts tanks) Potential cripple. Can reveal an enemy to herself and allies with Hunter's Mark. Hunter's Mark target takes 15% increased damage from Tyra. Hunter's Mark can be buffed by Hunting Party. Ult grants 40% increased movement and firing speed and infinite ammo for 4.5 seconds. Ult usually gets 1-3 eliminations. No real mobility.

Viktor: High damage. Direct and AoE damage. Limited flanking potential with Hustle. Simple to play effectively. Potential Frag Grenade CD reset. Ult does very high damage. Ult is great for zoning, Ult often gets 1-2 eliminations.

Drogoz: High burst damage. Strong AoE damage. Very strong vertical mobility. Can fly. Vulnerable to hitscan. Flight can leave him open. Ult charges quickly. Ult guarantees 1 kill. Ult can leave him in a poor position (Low ground, likely amongst enemies)

Evie: Good damage. Most mobile champion in the game. Lowest health pool in the game. High survivability with Ice Block and Blink. Potential self-sustain with Ice Block and Blink. One of the trickiest to play properly/well. When played well she's exceedingly difficult to pin down/kill. Ult cripples and slows enemies. Ult usually guarantees 1-2 kills.

Androxus: Good damage. Defiance is a reliable finisher. Decent survivability with Reversal. Very high mobility with Nether Step. Potential CD resets on/with Reversal and Nether Step. Ult has high burst damage. Ult usually gets 1-2 kills. Ult audio is loud. Ult leaves you vulnerable due to reduced movement.

Talus: Good damage. High burst/melt with Overcharge. Decent burst with Blitz Upper. Rune of Travel grants easy/guaranteed escape. Rune of Travel gives minor burst heal. Ult allows for effortless chasing. Ult usually guarantees 1 kill. Mobility can be tricky to manage/control. Teleport is forced after duration ends.


Ruckus Ruckus
Grohk Grohk
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Kinessa Kinessa
Strix Strix
Skye Skye
Buck Buck
Situational: (Good if the player knows what they're doing. and/or is generally team comp./map dependant)

Ruckus: [Ally team comp. dependant]

High damage. Direct and AoE damage. Decent burst damage. Good mobility. Good durability due to 2500 health shield. Ult can potentially team wipe (Total of 16,000 damage). Is strongly impacted upon by wrecker due to dependency on Emitter for durability. The worst solo tank. Can't help allies in any way other than body blocking and dealing more damage. [Whilst his damage is very good by default, it's only really worthwhile with Rocket Barrage selected. His dependency on his abilities to survive also renders him particularly weak against wrecker and cripples. Pick him as a second off tank for when the team is either lacking overall damage, or is running triple dps but still wants a second tank]

Grohk: [Ally and enemy team comp. dependant]

[With Totemic Ward: Strong healing. Grants CC immunity to himself and allies. Good damage.]

[With Maelstrom: Good healing. Extremely high damage.]

High damage. Strong survivability. Potential for significantly stronger survivability. Good self-heal. Can easily dismount whole enemy team with Shock Pulse. Has best bonus health loadout card in game outside of frontliners. Ult allows for easy pushes into areas. Ult usually guarantees 1-2 eliminations. Healing is dependant on totem which can be destroyed. Damage is dependant on Shock Pulse bouncing amongst enemies. [He has incredibly high damage, easily finishing games at 110k+ damage, but this damage is dependant on the enemy team grouping up enough for Shock Pulse to effectively bounce. His totem is also easily destroyed, especially by blasters. Pick him when your team has a secondary healer, and/or if the enemy team comp. involves grouping up often or lacks AoE damage]

Sha Lin: [If the player knows what they're doing]

Kinessa: [Map dependant]

Strix: [Map dependant]

Skye: [Enemy team comp dependant]

Buck: [If the player knows what they're doing]


Willo Willo
Dredge Dredge
Jenos Jenos
Even more Situational: (Not a good pick except for in select circumstances. Countered easily and/or struggles)

Willow: Excellent zoning. Big burst damage on Seedling. Dead Zone denies all healing. Seedling is easy to avoid. Long CDs. Flutter isn't particularly good. Ult leaves you wide open. [Hard counters Grohk healing]

Dredge: Excellent zoning. Big burst damage on Broadside. Easy spam. 1k damage projectile on reload. Good slow on Harpoon. Hurl allows for some longer range damage. Potential self-sustain. Ult is easy to avoid. Is completely dependant on Shortcut to escape and self-sustain. Shortcut shows the direction you teleported in giving away your position. Not good at short range. [Counters all frontliners but Terminus. Just harass him with a short range flanker]

Jenos: Decent damage. Potential good damage. Can heal the majority of allies at once. Sustained healing. Potential self-sustain by healing allies. Can single out an enemy to be focused. Potential 15% damage buff to allies being healed. Good mobility with Stellar Wind. Ult can one shot most champions. Healing is minor. Can't do anything else but move whilst holding enemy to focus. [His healing is too small to sustain a team without heavy rejuvenate. He's only really viable in triple dps comps., and even then he's only being picked for the 15% damage buff]


Terminus Terminus
Maeve Maeve
Lex Lex
Moji Moji
Poor: (Currently underwhelming as they're either buggy, in need of nerf(s)/rework(s), or there's just better picks)

Terminus: Is an excellent frontliner and considered one of the best. Due to almost overwhelming bugginess though he's best left untouched. Bugs could prove detrimental to either teams or even both.

Maeve: A solid flanker, there are better picks though. Strong mobility but Evie has both better mobility and survivability. Cat Burglar's burst damage is good but almost every other flanker has similar burst. Ult is a great initiation. [Alternative picks: Evie]

Lex: Lacks any vertical mobility. Horizontal mobility is comparable to Cassie and Lian, both of which have better damage. Retribution target is random. Lacks survivability. Good for focusing a single enemy, doesn't make it any easier to reach them though. Ult is good though. Excellent for fun speed loadouts. [Alternative picks: Androxus Talus]

Moji: More like a damage than flank. No vertical mobility. Survivability is lacking if enemies don't shoot your Magic Barrier. Ult is a guaranteed kill. [Alternative picks: Anyone else for actual flanking and supporting, could be considered for Damage]


Atlas Atlas

Not had enough time playing as or against them to properly place anywhere here.


Is both the trash and the bin the trash is to be deposited in.


Is the landfill site the bins get emptied into.

Unranked Champions
17 Champions
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx