3 years ago
Patch 3.3

Player Avatar

Free Agent - NA




Lian Lian
Vatu Vatu
Yagorath Yagorath

Lian - Free win

Vatu - EZ confirms

Yag - Annoying AF


Fernando Fernando
Grover Grover
Cassie Cassie
Ruckus Ruckus
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Maeve Maeve
Barik Barik
Raum Raum
Vora Vora

Nando - Shield bot that never dies

Grover - Big roots

Cassie - Reliable + burst

Ruckus - Flank w/ 6k health

ShaLin - Flank destroyer, good shield break

Damba - Best champ in paladins

Maeve - Mobility + no dmg falloff

Barik - Self sustain + fat shields

Raum - Space maker

Vora - Self sustain + no dmg falloff + huge projectiles


Kinessa Kinessa
Androxus Androxus
Rei Rei
Corvus Corvus
Atlas Atlas
Ash Ash
Furia Furia
Khan Khan
Makoa Makoa

Kinessa - Sniper in hero shooter

Androxus - Mobility + burst

Rei - Ult is broken

Corvus - Dive comp healer

Atlas - Good dps, good into dive

Ash - Great into backline dps

Furia - Best late game ult

Makoa - Crazy ult, Hook is best CD in the game


Inara Inara
Terminus Terminus
Zhin Zhin
Io Io
Talus Talus
Koga Koga
Tyra Tyra
Buck Buck
Viktor Viktor

Inara - Mothers grace nerf hurt, but still solid with a burst healer

Term - Situational, uncounterable shield OP

Zhin - Doesn't die, good poke

Io - DR on a heal is busted

Talus - Fucking melts

Koga - Surprisingly good poke

Tyra - Reveals, DR, good shield break

Buck - Anti flank

Viktor - Good shield break, Good burn


Vivian Vivian
Lex Lex
Moji Moji
Dredge Dredge
Seris Seris
Drogoz Drogoz
Bomb King Bomb King
Ying Ying
Evie Evie
Octavia Octavia
Willo Willo
Jenos Jenos
Torvald Torvald

Vivian - Reveals, Good shield break, but no mobility

Lex - High potential dps, but don't miss

Moji - Romanul

Dredge - Snoopy

Seris - Good burst heals

Drogoz - Lot of counters, but big deeps

Bomb King - Servers fucked

Ying - Heal bot, no utility

Evie - Finally, an end to the burst meta xD

Octavia - Just meh

Willo - Only good on certain maps

Jenos - Heals suck, Dps has good potential

Torvald - He'll be in S+ soon


Pip Pip
Strix Strix
Tiberius Tiberius

Pip - Nerfs

Strix - Shit

Tib - Nerfed to shit


Skye Skye
Grohk Grohk

Skye - stop playing

Grohk - fun but bad


Saati Saati
Imani Imani

Saati - Not enough data

Imani - Sucks balls

Unranked Champions
7 Champions
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx