4 years ago
Patch 3.3

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Free Agent - EU


Corvus Corvus
Inara Inara

strongest champs of this meta: best healer, best tank

corvus lifesteal is just insane, plus his normal healing are just insane, he have an insane dps and headshot value

inara is really strong for her mother grace, a good inara with good healers can carry the game


Jenos Jenos
Terminus Terminus
Ash Ash
Kinessa Kinessa
Androxus Androxus

jenos is really strong worth a ban in a lot of maps, 15% damage boost and pocket heals for flank-dps are insane

term is a viable option when inara is taken, can contest her, get out of caut easily and in some maps is just busted

ash is good in every map u can use all her talents and her ult is just broken

kinessa is just kinessa

andro good mobility, hitscan, insane dps


Viktor Viktor
Zhin Zhin

viktor even without 40% lifesteal is still good

zhin with this double healer meta is undying, yomi and guillotine are both good depends on the situations


Io Io
Cassie Cassie
Lian Lian
Strix Strix

io lose a lot of value with her luna nerf, still a good ban but not fundamental as before

cassie has insane burst potential, very good ult, good survival

lian no skills champ

strix worth a ban in snipers map, but still flankable by diver offtanks or a good flank


Furia Furia
Atlas Atlas
Imani Imani
Vivian Vivian

furia ult is just insane, plus she has a good cc ability and a lot of dps

atlas abilities are really good for team push-defence plus the buff on the dps and his ult made him really stronger

imani dps is average but her abilities, her loadout cards, the hitboxes of his basic and her ult made her a good pick

vivian goes tutututututututututututututu


Grover Grover
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Raum Raum
Fernando Fernando
Willo Willo
Bomb King Bomb King
Buck Buck

grover got a little bit of a nerf (educe the cooldown of blossom card) but still really good in double healers comp

damba got buffed but u don't feel a lot the changes of him, still the best solo healer in my opinion

raum is good only if no counters, can build resilience but the dash will be always countered if good players

fernando got buffed on his ult charge and the aegis build make him a really good point tank

willo is an insane pick in a lot of maps, even with counters, his deadzone is super strong in this meta

bomb king got nerfed on his basic damage, still a strong dps but u don't feel the need to instaban him anymore

buck is balanced right now, his dr nerfs made him less stronger and more safer to play


Makoa Makoa
Barik Barik
Tiberius Tiberius
Drogoz Drogoz
Maeve Maeve
Evie Evie
Talus Talus

makoa leviatan is just trash, only reason makoa is A- is his hook potential and the spamming shield talent

barik needs a buff, can't win point anymore, against the others tank, good dps but trash survival

tiberius is good pick in some comps or maps, the basic dps is alright, his abilities made him stronger

drogoz to much hitscans counter him, good only if no counters or really small maps

maeve evie and talus are good but u need to pick them on the right comp


Seris Seris
Ying Ying
Ruckus Ruckus
Khan Khan
Tyra Tyra
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Koga Koga

seris only here for her dps talent, the healing one seems so weak now

ying good solo healers but low survival and zero cc for team, only good for her ult

ruckus good occasionally, i personally like him only on brightmarsh since serpent beach is no longer in rotation

khan nerfed to the ground, storm of bullet is viable but only in a few comps

tyra no mobility, no shield, only dr, good burst but trash ult

shalin is good as last pick for counter flanks or raum, useless against a tyra or a cassie

koga could be good if the guy playing as good tracking on headshots, but he is weak even with double pocket


Pip Pip
Grohk Grohk
Torvald Torvald
Dredge Dredge
Moji Moji
Lex Lex

pip with caut nerfs and resilience buff he is really difficult to play him dps or healer he is just a fun pick

grohk good only dps against no shields or a lot of deployables on smalls maps

torvald few uses, even with damage falloff buff u will always find a better pick than him

dredge good only if term banned on small maps

moji nerfed to the ground, even with 2 pockets he struggle a lot

lex good on flat maps with a lot of corners, if they have cc champ it's not a good pick


Skye Skye

100% troll

Unranked Champions
13 Champions
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx