2 years ago
Patch 3.3

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Free Agent - NA

all champs ranked by the amount of skill they take to play (this word is important>>>) well. this list is purely factual and i will not be taking criticism at this time. SS is hardest/highest skill, D is braindead easy


Atlas Atlas
Evie Evie
Bomb King Bomb King
Drogoz Drogoz

these champions are simply the hardest to play in the game. playing evie well requires complete mastery of her movement and a build that is perfect, playing atlas requires an exceptional amount of gamesense to not grief your team with every rewind (and a proper build at that, top even make him playable) and to use your ult properly (again without griefing the team), bomb king requires a complete mastery of his projectiles to get a decent amount of kills, and drogoz - while not only being hard to hit people with and requiring knowledge of his mechanics, for example his instakill combo and talents - is hard countered by pretty much half of the roster.

but, with the highest skill floor also comes the highest skill ceiling as well.


Tiberius Tiberius
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Torvald Torvald
Pip Pip

the healers are here because of the difficulty of their healing abilities. you have to aim, which just flat out makes them harder than every other healer in the game, and tiberius is here because the champion is very mechanically demanding, on top of having very difficult to hit projectiles (and a lackluster - but very powerful if used correctly - ultimate), and torv is only here bc he's just really bad in the meta rn which automatically just makes playing him hard lmao


Vatu Vatu
Vora Vora
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Cassie Cassie

fragging with these guys requires either cracked aim in the case of sha lin and cassie, or a significant mastery of the champion's kit like with vora and vatu


Ying Ying
Fernando Fernando

ying and fern are here because playing them well simply requires a firm grasp of the mechanics of the champion to even play just okay in a match


Rei Rei
Skye Skye
Makoa Makoa
Grover Grover
Androxus Androxus
Barik Barik

most of these champs have aspects of their kits that are not obvious nor intuitive to a player who hasn't properly read and understood their abilities, and if you build wrong on these champs, you're simply throwing. some of these champs also fill a niche role, making them harder to play right


Corvus Corvus
Imani Imani
Furia Furia
Khan Khan
Willo Willo
Strix Strix
Ash Ash
Lex Lex
Buck Buck
Zhin Zhin
Inara Inara

while there are aspects of these champs that are easy to play right, there are also aspects that are easy to mess up. some of these champs can still provide use to the team when played poorly, but take a good bit of skill to play at a high level.


Moji Moji
Terminus Terminus
Maeve Maeve
Grohk Grohk

a bit harder than the B tier because their kits are just a bit more challenging to use properly, and you might need a few more hours in these champs to get a hold of them


Saati Saati
Io Io
Dredge Dredge
Talus Talus

these champs require a bit more game knowledge and experience, but overall are still pretty easy to play right. might do poorly if your aim is bad and/or you aren't paying attention much


Yagorath Yagorath
Raum Raum
Koga Koga
Kinessa Kinessa
Tyra Tyra
Viktor Viktor
Ruckus Ruckus
Jenos Jenos
Lian Lian

very easy champs, good for new players to pick up. kits are extremely easy to understand and very easy to use properly


Azaan Azaan
Octavia Octavia
Seris Seris
Vivian Vivian

you could probably play this game blindfolded and still be useful to the team. after he gets a proper nerf, azaan will likely get harder to play. right now, though, he's just straight busted

Unranked Champions
6 Champions
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx