4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

this is my opinion

as I played I noticed a few things:

Vivian should be A/A+

Tyra should be A. She's EXTREMELY strong with DR




Furia Furia
Raum Raum

Furia: Extremely broken ultimate and can still heal really well with good DPS and sustain.

Raum: Still almost unkillable and you have to counterpick him. Enemy must have 2-3 things that can take him out of his run.


Khan Khan
Inara Inara
Terminus Terminus
Bomb King Bomb King

Khan: Extremely good ultimate and can provide stuns with legendary.

Inara: Some healers got a buff which makes inara slightly stronger with them. She is currently the best point tank in my opion.

Terminus: Still really good

Bomb king: No tank can push him in close quarters, no dps can win 1v1 in close combat. Extremely strong


Barik Barik
Maeve Maeve
Lian Lian
Jenos Jenos
Ruckus Ruckus


Tiberius Tiberius
Androxus Androxus
Viktor Viktor
Ying Ying
Ash Ash
Atlas Atlas
Cassie Cassie
Strix Strix
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Kinessa Kinessa
Drogoz Drogoz
Grover Grover

Tiberius: I don't know yet, but he seems equal to cassie
Androxus: Extremely solid.
Viktor: massive damage
Ying: good ultimate and good heals.
Ash: Got her buff and is now pretty okay to pick.
Atlas: Huge shield still very good even though everything else sucks on him.
Cassie: Just good champion. She's not really overpowered and not underpowered.
Strix: Really good in some situations. Not overpowered anymore.
Damba: Strong CC and good heals
Kinessa: Really good sniper
Drogoz: Good in a lot of maps and without counters
Grover: good sustain but primarly should be picked for his CC


Zhin Zhin
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Buck Buck
Seris Seris
Lex Lex
Torvald Torvald
Skye Skye
Makoa Makoa
Fernando Fernando
Io Io
Vivian Vivian
Imani Imani
Evie Evie

Zhin: Okay in maps like jaguar falls
Sha lin: Has a cripple otherwise pick cassie/lian
Buck: Bounce house is underrated and is still a decent pick
Seris: She's a heal slut
Lex: Acually underrated too
Torvald: overrated
Skye: Decent
Makoa: Good against terminus
Nando: Really solid. but no reason to pick him over the other tanks
Io: good pocket heal and point control
Vivian: LOTS of damage
Imani: Good counter to raum
Evie: she's meh. maeve is better. BUFF FLICKER BACK TO 375 PLEASE


Tyra Tyra
Pip Pip
Talus Talus
Moji Moji
Grohk Grohk
Dredge Dredge


Koga Koga
Willo Willo


Unranked Champions
14 Champions
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Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx