4 years ago
Patch 3.1

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Free Agent - EU

This Split It's a personal disaster for me for all the lags and dodger and trolls and stuff.

So usually I make something Like Masters-Dia1\2

But now it's for Diamond - Plat.

Usually, you can win a pick and almost guarantee yourself a win (if people are on a similar skilllevel). But be aware you need to know how to play a hero to win :D


Io Io
Khan Khan

You can rarely see a game without this Girl and Boy.

Io - freecaping and pocket heal is pretty insane.

Khan - CC is pretty good this patch.


Grover Grover
Inara Inara
Bomb King Bomb King
Viktor Viktor
Strix Strix
Kinessa Kinessa

Grover - Because of CC.

Inara - is the best tank nowadays, especially in 2 heal\ 1 tank meta.

BK- good as always.

Snipers - are pretty good to burst someone down, because with a weak caut fight can be endless in today's meta.

Vik - is a solid Damage and good caut spreader that is pretty viable now.


Furia Furia
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Ash Ash
Tiberius Tiberius
Lian Lian
Cassie Cassie
Moji Moji

Furia - Still good easy to play, heal, and damage people at the same time.

Damba - Still making insane heals and good for CC meta. (however, he is rarely picked)

Ash - Strong as usual, beefy poking machine.

Tiberius - very strong with Q build can obliterate people very fast, and ult can be insanely good in good hands.

Lian - Still good hitscan\burst.

Cassie - Good burst, wallhack to make a good team fight.

Moji - with a pocket healer Jenos just like going 200k damage even wit 20+ deaths. It's undying like Zhin but with busted DPS. Especially on small maps and in 2 heal comp.


Ying Ying
Corvus Corvus
Jenos Jenos
Barik Barik
Terminus Terminus
Androxus Androxus
Buck Buck
Zhin Zhin
Evie Evie

Ying - strong in a damage build with to supp, or just as it is, with nerfed caut it's almost useless to fight while her ult is up.

Corvus - pretty good for now to pocket flanks and adds probably can be must ban soon if people will understand how to play with him properly.

Jenos - still good to pocket, especially in the 2 supp meta.

Barik - seems weaker than before and isn't must pick now.

Term - can be much better then Barik nowadays if you can have good position gaming.

Andro - pew pew, somehow like every andro I meet hit their shots 70% of the time and it's painful. If you can hit shoots as him constantly it's a win.

Buck - somehow people take him as Andro counter, because of his beefiness mb.

Zhin - still good especially if he has a pocket from Jenos or Corvus.

Evie - good but server lag + burst + Andros killing her so much.


Makoa Makoa
Fernando Fernando
Vivian Vivian
Imani Imani
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Dredge Dredge
Talus Talus
Koga Koga

Makoa - is a pretty sleep pick, he doesn't have so much damage as he had. But still can be insane with hook and burst with whole team thing.

Fernando - is really good, people forgot about him but he has the beef and decent damage for a tank right now.

Vivian - can be very good in right hands with the right position especially in meta when you need to spread caut all the time, same as Vik.

Imani - her fireball burst + projectile hitbox is crazy, in good hands ez burst, ez kill + ult. But skill dependant.

Sha - is insane in the CC meta and burst meta, but very skill dependant and also that thing with fps dunno. (I have 60 :D)

Dredge - same as Viv, very skill\position dependant with a huge burst.

Talus - can be a very good pick in right hands with burst, spreading caut and escape, but rarely I see good Taluses up there.

Koga - only FLYING KOGA, it's like Evie, but Koga. Hard to kill and can disrupt your team position.


Raum Raum
Tyra Tyra
Drogoz Drogoz
Willo Willo
Skye Skye
Lex Lex

Raum - pretty good but only as of the last pick or smth when people can't counter him.

Tyra - pretty solid but the lack of range is doing its job. However, Firebomb or DR made build can win games sometimes.

Drogoz - can be good on certain maps but usually get countered by EVERYTHING, same as Raum should be a solid last pick.

Willo - pretty meh, but without counter and vs. people who keep standing in the Deadzone can win games.

Skye - still massive damage on the point, but rarely you see good players who know how to play her, especially after the enemy team has bought illuminate.

Lex -LEXELENCE !!! Good DPS, but meh overall. Rare Lexes can do stuff properly.


Pip Pip
Grohk Grohk
Ruckus Ruckus
Maeve Maeve

Pip - his healing with combat medic is gameplay much harder than Damba's and less rewarding. Megapotion is meh nowadays, And as a DD strange with all cc meta but he is pretty meh, with counters and skill dependence of champion.

Grohk - can still be a good Damage, to Recap with ult and to play vs deployables but overall, pretty meh this patch.

Ruckus - Is incredibly good beefy Off-tank, with high-mobility. But VEERy skill dependant so rarely picked\wins.

Maeve - with nowadays server lag usually is trash, Andro\Lian usually GETHERQUICKLY.


Atlas Atlas
Torvald Torvald

Atlas - pretty meh this patch, super skill\situation dependent hero. However, he has potential in good hands.

Torvald - pocket some flank for win still can be pretty good with giving him amo now. But still, need team play and good feeling of the flow of the game.



Seris Seris

Seris - my personal Hell hero, in 2 weeks I saw nearly 25-30 games with Seris mostly with bulky talent and DD build in the cards. And the thing is that team with Series won 3-4 times.

Usually, it was: Shitty damage, shitty ults, and shitty heal. So for me personally it's a a troll lose pick.

Unranked Champions
13 Champions
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx