2 years ago
Patch 3.3

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Free Agent - NA

Personally I've been 'round the block on Paladins for a while. And I'd just like to give my insight on some characters new players should try!


Viktor Viktor
Tyra Tyra
Strix Strix

Very simple, FPS characters. Easy to pick up, lower skill ceiling on some talents.


Allows your own self reliance by using Cardio (Heals 300 per second while running)

You can train your throw with projectiles by increasing size of grenade (Shrapnel talent)

Or step up to do the most damage on the team by running Burst Mode Talent (More damage, burst bullets)


Allows you to tunnel vision healers and eliminate them very quickly, or help eliminate characters like Yagorath by using your hunters mark ability while using Hunting Party

Right click gives you an attack that does 700 damage, but you can trade it out for 650 damage and 3 charages (Mercy Kill)

Or give a crazy buff to your molotov using Burn, Monster!


Strix has a primary and secondary, Sniper and Pistol

You can fire off a flair to reveal enemies, or trade it off for a secondary shot to your pistol (Unauthorized Use)

Nocturnal Will allow you to be invisible for 50% longer.


Maeve Maeve
Seris Seris
Vivian Vivian
Skye Skye


Imani Imani
Rei Rei


Terminus Terminus
Ash Ash


Pip Pip
Io Io
Moji Moji
Drogoz Drogoz


Androxus Androxus
Kinessa Kinessa
Dredge Dredge


Ying Ying



Furia Furia
Jenos Jenos


Evie Evie


Vora Vora
Vatu Vatu
Raum Raum
Yagorath Yagorath
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Ruckus Ruckus
Grohk Grohk
Grover Grover
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Koga Koga
Tiberius Tiberius

This section are characters I can't rank as I haven't played enough of them

Unranked Champions
25 Champions
Fernando Fernando
Barik Barik
Cassie Cassie
Buck Buck
Bomb King Bomb King
Makoa Makoa
Torvald Torvald
Inara Inara
Lex Lex
Willo Willo
Lian Lian
Zhin Zhin
Talus Talus
Khan Khan
Atlas Atlas
Corvus Corvus
Octavia Octavia
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx