5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - NA

My ranked tierlist for Patch 2.4, it's all opinion based as anything goes usually.


Torvald Torvald
Makoa Makoa

Torvald: He can literally give people a 2,000 health shield on a 8 second cooldown, as well as silence you so stop channeled abilities, you can recharge your shield to have like 2,150 health shield for yourself in a seconds every 15 seconds, and you can press your ultimate key and knock people off the map or off the payload ending a overtime instantly.

Makoa: Can hook you into death, can spin around while hiding in his shield at a distance, usually flanks and instantly kills your healer, can press his ultimate key and gain full health even if he has Cauterize level 3 put on him causing chaos and death to spread quick.


Khan Khan
Atlas Atlas
Tyra Tyra
Jenos Jenos
Seris Seris

Khan: Let's just say battle cry is retarded, gains immunity frames and gets 1,000 heal but also gives the 1,000 heal to teammates, he can throw choke hold someone into death or off the map, can protect his healers with his shield, and his weapon does so much damage since he is always using the legendary card Storm of Bullets.

Atlas: His shield stops everything from coming through cause of time shenanigans, also can rewind himself and heal to full or whatever his highest hp was, and send people back in time becoming the lowest hp they were, also he can double banish someone and cause the no fun.

Tyra: She does alot of damage really quickly for a reason, she has little mobility and cause be focused easily, but she can grab her legendary Hunting Party and mark 2 people and have your team focus them down quickly.

Jenos: Very good healing and can mark allies to heal through the walls, as well as glide away with his Stellar Wind, and lift people for his team for focus and kill, as well as kill a 2,400 or less hp with your ultimate if you can snipe with it.

Seris: Amazing healing output while having the safest escape of any healer and her ultimate is a group pull and stun making it a game winning ultimate, she also has pretty solid damage.


Barik Barik
Inara Inara
Maeve Maeve
Lian Lian
Drogoz Drogoz
Evie Evie
Furia Furia

Barik: Solid damage with turrets and weapon damage, a very good shield with solid hp, and a ultimate that makes staying on point a total bitch.

Inara: Amazing zoning, can get Mother's Embrace legendary card for cc immunity and damage reduction making her very hard to kill, while her ultimate can set up for your dps very well.

Maeve: Amazing mobility while having high kill potential along with completely blinding the enemy for you to run around and cause death.

Lian: Requires good aim to consistently nail your presence dealing very high damage along with getting ultimate charge back if you kill with her ultimate, and she is mobile and slippery to catch.

Drogoz: Amazing at getting kills with his high dps rates, and having full control of the air while having a Falcon Punch that one shots, only issue is if hit scan can take you down from the skies.

Evie: She causes chaos and havoc since she is constantly blinking with her legendary Wormhole and high amounts of splash damage, and her ultimate Ice Storm causing all enemies caught to be crippled and take damage over time while you can pelt them with basics.

Furia: Amazing at healing with her short cooldown on Kindle Soul which heals 1,000 health and then 500 health over time, along with her legendary card Cherish makes its a very strong heal, she also makes use of her legendary card Solar Blessing making her Pyre Strike stop on allies cause a very large heal over time making it very good for tank comps that you are supporting, and her ultimate is amazing for engaging team fights.


Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Ruckus Ruckus
Vivian Vivian
Imani Imani
Ash Ash
Willo Willo
Androxus Androxus

Mal'damba: Great for a constant cc up with his snake toss, a great gourd for contesting points, as well as his mending spirits is usually run on a short cooldown, also his ultimate can pierce cc immunity like Inara's legendary card Mother's Grace for cc immunity during her earthen guard if and only if they are in the center of the ultimate.

Ruckus: Great going into shield heavy comps and being a tanky flanker with a large hp shield, high damage output once full spun up and can destroy with his ultimate.

Vivian: Very good at putting out a lot of damage even without her sentinels once she has them she causes mayhem but without them she can be picked by a good flanker, she has her sensor mines for reveal but a lot of the time you are gonna be in a point blank contest where its the hardest for her to hit shots.

Imani: Great at putting out good damage but the slow frost bomb for a root and immobile ultimate and inferno can get her killed easily while being planted and not able to react much, as well as her frostfire glide doesn't channel as long as other dashes.

Ash: Great at knocking people around and off the point, she also has her shield which is decent but not as a true main tank, she really shines with her ultimate that stuns on impact and that makes her immortal inside the flag as long as she stays there or until the flag ends.

Willo: Great at putting out a lot of pressure with splash damage and seedling spam, she has a 100% anti heal field as long as someone is in it causing the enemy to have to get off point, and he ultimate gives her great air control, the only con being if there is a really good hit scan your not going to have fun.
Androxus: Go pro flick dashing reversal aim god, or the casual pew pew fist fist.


Pip Pip
Terminus Terminus
Talus Talus
Koga Koga
Grohk Grohk
Viktor Viktor
Fernando Fernando
Cassie Cassie

Pip: He is NOT a fucking good team healer, he is a flank who self sustains very well since he can potion himself and put out great damage with his legendary card Catalyst, as well as being able to hop away, also his ult is for killing on your own or with combo vocal coordination since IT HEALS THEM BACK TO FULL HEALTH IF THEY BECOME NORMAL AGAIN, you can throw or wins games with a good or bad pip.

Terminus: Balls deep causing mayhem and has a self revive pretty solid.

Talus: Solid if you know how to use overcharge and rune of travel, as well as blitz upper can burst a healer or carry down instantly.

Koga: Powerful if not constantly harassed out from flanking as well as dashing and climb about making him really solid for hit and runs.

Grohk: Powerful due to lightning spam and a percent heal totem while having a getaway, also flying in his ultimate is amazing.

Viktor: Burst fire puts out great damage from a long range while having a nuke and throwing grenades often.

Fernando: Amazing ultimate for saving your entire team as well as having the most tanky shield only issue is the shield's cooldown is long and he doesn't have much range.

Cassie: Blast shot is great harass, she is a very mobile champion, ultimate reveals all players alive, and she can stay at a very long range.


Strix Strix
Kinessa Kinessa
Zhin Zhin
Ying Ying
Bomb King Bomb King

Strix: 2 ways this goes, either aim god or crack shot spammer or bot who feeds all game and does nothing.

Kinessa: 2 ways this goes, either aim god or bot who feeds all game and does nothing. Zhin: Guillotine the tanks every time or live in the enemy spawn with billow.

Ying: Create an armada of healing clones and explode them on a person, or run life exchange and heal clones from a distance.

Bomb King: 2 or 3 sticks with ruin low health champions day as well as rolling and stunning the tanks to explode them with like 6 bombs.


Dredge Dredge
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Buck Buck

Dredge: Yar har fiddly dee I spam the point til they all die, also did I forgot to say I have a portal to leave.

Sha Lin: 2 ways this goes, either aim god or bot who plants and dies.

Buck: Usually net's someone and gets a kill and dies cause you need to use almost all your kit on someone.


Moji Moji
Lex Lex

Moji: Good for scampering about and snack timing terminus.

Lex: Basically mobile executioner if you can get your target (aka better be that healer) your useless.


Grover Grover

Grover: Two things, Cauterize level 3 cock blocks you to the nether realm, and you can just get bodied for having to be close to heal.


Skye Skye

Skye: Basically cc or illuminate cause anal penetration, aka too much pain if they can aim half decent, also most people who play her are fucking retarded.

Unranked Champions
17 Champions
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx