Free Agent - EU
I'm posting this since someone is spreading wrong opinionated information regarding point tanks based on (how boring to play) they are...
Here's the thing, you're playing Ranked right? in ranked, words like (boring to play), (not fun), (I like this talent), simply don't work, you're playing a competitive 5v5 game and not a (me me me me) game.
The in-depth video version of this guide is on my YT here:
Still, this shorter version is still very in-depth on its own and completely serves the entire purpose of the video.
Terminus : Pick him on Ice Mines, on Brightmarsh, and Jaguar Falls, and he's good on Bazaar, he does have value on other maps but its a bit less, he's very bad on Fish Market and Frog Isle.
In higher elo, it's rare that someone shoots your siphon, just keep that in mind, this is why narrow maps (listed above) are his best maps, you're forcing the enemy not to shoot, once your siphon is out, you better get out of there or you're dead, you don't have any good sustain other than the siphon.
The go to talent is Decimation, and you can play crush only if your team forgot to bring a counter to Raum and he gets last picked by the enemy team, otherwise it's better to just poke for the 1750 on Decimation for 5 shots (It's 1250 without it), Undying is bad, go try it out in the shooting range, play Term with it and without it while taking damage from the Cassie bot, even if you buff your HP to the maximum it can reach and add the DR card on charges (which is a bad card btw) you won't get any real value out of that talent.
Inara: doesn't have any requirements to pick her, she works on any map in any composition (but way less effective if your solo support is Jenos).
She has incredible up-time on the point due to Mother's Grace, the CC immunity on that talent alongside making your earthen guard a 50% damage reduction is really awesome.
A very very basic idea of managing Inara's cooldowns is shown here:
The loadout shown in the video is not necessarily the best, keep multiple loadouts on your champions at all times, you can import the ones I have from my account (MacZeroFun).
Her wall has a few issues to it, you can block off an ally's ultimate by mistake while saving yourself, you can block of a friend and get them killed instead of saved so you have to be careful with it, you can also save an enemy by mistake instead of closing off their escape. your allies cannot shoot enemies through the wall, your support cannot heal you if your wall is in the way (funny enough there's an exception to that which is Seris, and of course things that heal through walls like Grover since it's range based, Jenos, Corvus, even Grohk's totem or Khan's shout, they heal through walls).
Her ultimate prevents enemy teams from stacking all in 1 lane at the start of the round, the stun will get them wiped or at least 2 of them.
Barik: has less sustain than Inara but still is very good, his kit is good, he does more damage than Inara or Terminus, his shield can be used to save an overextending ally by dashing to them and placing it down.
I have a fully detailed in-depth guide on Barik right here:
Picking order :
If you're on one of Terminus's maps (listed above), you always want to get him first.
If you're on other maps, you get Inara, unless you're playing scrims, in those, you evaluate wither or not the wall can stop an enemy from touching reliably to win the last point, or that you want to shoot through the shield, for example, on Jaguar falls, Barik's shield doesn't block off your allies and you yourself can shoot through it.
If your enemy has picked Inara while terminus is banned, or if you're playing on Fish Market or Frog Isle, you're better off picking Barik as a point tank.
If you're in higher elo, people not shooting your siphon means that you simply don't play Terminus outside of his maps.
Terminus is perma banned on Ice Mines and Brightmarsh in higher elo, on Jaguar falls he might be banned or not.
Don't just go in with 1 loadout, keep some flexibility in your thinking.
Keep in mind that the card (Stone Bulwark) is affected by your 40% increased healing, so it's real value at 4 points is (heal for 140/s) not just 100.
The CC immunity on Mother's Grace makes you way better at staying alive.
Earthen Guard
Reduce the Cooldown of Earthen Guard by 2.5s.
Level 5
Increase your maximum Health by 750.
Level 5
Stone Bulwark
Earthen Guard
Heal for 84 every 1s while Earthen Guard is active.
Level 3
Standing Stones
Warder's Field
Reduce the Cooldown of Warder's Field by 1s.
Level 1
Increase your maximum Ammo by 1.
Level 1
Mother's Grace
Earthen Guard
Reduce your damage taken by 15%, gain an additional 20% Bonus Healing, and gain Immunity to Crowd Control while Earthen Guard is active.
Level 1
Earthen Guard
Reduce the Cooldown of Earthen Guard by 2.5s.
Level 5
Sacred Ground
Warder's Field
Reduce your damage taken by 20% while standing in Warder's Field.
Level 4
Stone Bulwark
Earthen Guard
Heal for 84 every 1s while Earthen Guard is active.
Level 3
Increase your maximum Health by 300.
Level 2
Increase your maximum Ammo by 1.
Level 1
Mother's Grace
Earthen Guard
Reduce your damage taken by 15%, gain an additional 20% Bonus Healing, and gain Immunity to Crowd Control while Earthen Guard is active.
Level 1
Necromantic Might 5
Abomination 5
Devastation 3
Hulking monstrosity 1
It watches 1
Abomination 5
Necromantic Might 4 (or 5 if you remove 1 point from HP)
Hulking monstrosity 4
We can rebuild him 1
Devastation 1
Double Time 5
Bowling ball 4
Failsafe 3
Brave and Bold 2
One Man's scrap 1
Double Time 5
Field deploy 3
Failsafe 3
Brave and Bold 3
Combat Repair 1
Field Deploy 5
Healing Station 4
Brave and Bold 3
Forged alloy 2
Combat Repair 1