Player Avatar

NA - Updated 1 hour ago

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-37 SR
View Match
10 / 14 / 17
1.32 KDA
Level 50 / 4,369G
Standing Stones

Standing Stones

Warder's Field

Reduce the Cooldown of Warder's Field by 5s.

Level 5




Increase your maximum Ammo by 1.

Level 1



Warder's Field

Generate 2 Ammo after activating Warder's Field.

Level 1




Increase your maximum Health by 600.

Level 4

Sacred Ground

Sacred Ground

Warder's Field

Reduce your damage taken by 20% while standing in Warder's Field.

Level 4

Treacherous Ground

Treacherous Ground

Warder's Field

The radius of Warder's Field is increased by 50% and it Cripples enemies within it.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+12 SR
View Match
29 / 11 / 21
3.59 KDA
Level 50 / 4,904G
Trigger Happy

Trigger Happy


Increase your Healing received by 10% while firing your SMGs.

Level 2

Wind's Embrace

Wind's Embrace


Heal for 80 every 1s while Agility is active.

Level 4

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 30%.

Level 3



Shadow Step

Heal for 120 after activating Shadow Step.

Level 3




Regenerate 12 Ammo every 1s while Agility is active.

Level 3

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-11 SR
View Match
4 / 9 / 12
1.11 KDA
Level 50 / 2,820G
Brutal Pursuer

Brutal Pursuer

Rift Slash

Increase your Movement Speed by 16% for 5s after casting Rift Slash.

Level 4

True Freedom

True Freedom

You can miss 1 attacks before your chain resets. Increase the window to progress the chain by {scale=0.05|0.05}s.

Level 1

The Little Things

The Little Things

Reduce the Cooldown of Rift Slash by 0.6000000000000001s, up to a max reduction of 5s, when hitting enemies with Realm Breaker.

Level 3

Abyssal Authority

Abyssal Authority

Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 80%.

Level 4

Forever Changed

Forever Changed

Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3



Royal Presence's reactivation now only hits the first enemy in its path, and instead Roots them for 2.25s. Increase the Range of the reactivation by 50%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+12 SR
View Match
3 / 5 / 8
1.4 KDA
Level 50 / 2,108G
Brutal Pursuer

Brutal Pursuer

Rift Slash

Increase your Movement Speed by 16% for 5s after casting Rift Slash.

Level 4

True Freedom

True Freedom

You can miss 1 attacks before your chain resets. Increase the window to progress the chain by {scale=0.05|0.05}s.

Level 1

The Little Things

The Little Things

Reduce the Cooldown of Rift Slash by 0.6000000000000001s, up to a max reduction of 5s, when hitting enemies with Realm Breaker.

Level 3

Abyssal Authority

Abyssal Authority

Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 80%.

Level 4

Forever Changed

Forever Changed

Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3



Royal Presence's reactivation now only hits the first enemy in its path, and instead Roots them for 2.25s. Increase the Range of the reactivation by 50%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-11 SR
View Match
0 / 5 / 1
0.1 KDA
Level 50 / 743G
Aico Forces

Aico Forces

Chain Heal

Reduce the damage you take by 4% for 2s for each ally hit with Chain Heal. This effect stacks.

Level 4

Rest and Relaxation

Rest and Relaxation


Increase your maximum Ammo by 2.

Level 1

Spring to Action

Spring to Action

Spirit Link

Increase the Healing Spirit Links provides every 1s to your linked friendly target by 40 Health.

Level 2

Refreshing Break

Refreshing Break

Chain Heal

Grant 0.8500000000000001% Ultimate Charge to each player to which Chain Heal bounces.

Level 5

Future Generations

Future Generations

Chain Heal

After taking -375 damage, your next use of Chain Heal does not cause it to go on Cooldown.

Level 3



Increase the range of Chain Heal bounces by 40%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+9 SR
View Match
16 / 3 / 6
6.33 KDA
Level 50 / 2,939G
Elegant Paring

Elegant Paring


Reduce the Cooldown of Dark Siphon and Obliteration by 0.4s after activating Tendril.

Level 1

New Purpose

New Purpose


Increase your maximum Health by 250.

Level 5

Sharpened Resolve

Sharpened Resolve


Consuming Darkness stacks Heals you for an additional 30 per stack.

Level 3

What May Come

What May Come


Reduce the damage you take by 8% for 3s after activating Tendril.

Level 2

Broken Promises

Broken Promises


Heal for 240 for each enemy hit with Obliteration.

Level 4

Relentless Presence

Relentless Presence


Tendril gains a second charge, but its Cooldown is increased by 2s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+15 SR
View Match
0 / 6 / 14
1.17 KDA
Level 50 / 3,093G
Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 10% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 4

The Price of Salvation

The Price of Salvation

Abyssal Reconstruction

Heal for 80 over 1s after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 1

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Reconstruction

Reduce the damage taken by an ally Healed by Abyssal Reconstruction by 4% for 1.6s after being Healed.

Level 2

Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 12%.

Level 4

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 20% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 4

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-9 SR
View Match
1 / 8 / 13
0.94 KDA
Level 50 / 2,612G
Waning Moon

Waning Moon

Blood Hex

Reduce the Blood cost of Swarm by 20% while an ally is marked by Blood Hex.

Level 4

Wings of Terror

Wings of Terror

Death Wings

Increase the lateral movement of Death Wings by 6%.

Level 1

Blood Cannon

Blood Cannon


Increase extra Blood Health by 1000 while decreasing base Health by {scale=125|125}.

Level 5

Unholy Flight

Unholy Flight

Death Wings

Reduce your damage taken by 5% for 1.5s after activating Death Wings.

Level 1

Symbiotic Relationship

Symbiotic Relationship


Increase the Healing allies receive from Swarm by 16%, but increase its cost by {scale=4|4}%.

Level 4

Cursed Accord

Cursed Accord


Decrease the Blood cost of your abilities by 35% and increase your Healing done by 15%, but reduce the damage you do by 25%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+11 SR
View Match
3 / 4 / 32
4.75 KDA
Level 50 / 3,723G
Aico Forces

Aico Forces

Chain Heal

Reduce the damage you take by 4% for 2s for each ally hit with Chain Heal. This effect stacks.

Level 4

Rest and Relaxation

Rest and Relaxation


Increase your maximum Ammo by 2.

Level 1

Spring to Action

Spring to Action

Spirit Link

Increase the Healing Spirit Links provides every 1s to your linked friendly target by 40 Health.

Level 2

Refreshing Break

Refreshing Break

Chain Heal

Grant 0.8500000000000001% Ultimate Charge to each player to which Chain Heal bounces.

Level 5

Future Generations

Future Generations

Chain Heal

After taking -375 damage, your next use of Chain Heal does not cause it to go on Cooldown.

Level 3



Spirit Link

Spirit Link's Cooldown is increased to 7s and it now only lasts for 4s, but its base effects are tripled.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-33 SR
View Match
2 / 6 / 6
0.83 KDA
Level 50 / 1,836G
Standing Stones

Standing Stones

Warder's Field

Reduce the Cooldown of Warder's Field by 5s.

Level 5




Increase your maximum Ammo by 1.

Level 1



Warder's Field

Generate 2 Ammo after activating Warder's Field.

Level 1




Increase your maximum Health by 600.

Level 4

Sacred Ground

Sacred Ground

Warder's Field

Reduce your damage taken by 20% while standing in Warder's Field.

Level 4

Treacherous Ground

Treacherous Ground

Warder's Field

The radius of Warder's Field is increased by 50% and it Cripples enemies within it.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+11 SR
View Match
14 / 7 / 24
3.71 KDA
Level 50 / 4,461G
Brutal Pursuer

Brutal Pursuer

Rift Slash

Increase your Movement Speed by 16% for 5s after casting Rift Slash.

Level 4

True Freedom

True Freedom

You can miss 1 attacks before your chain resets. Increase the window to progress the chain by {scale=0.05|0.05}s.

Level 1

The Little Things

The Little Things

Reduce the Cooldown of Rift Slash by 0.6000000000000001s, up to a max reduction of 5s, when hitting enemies with Realm Breaker.

Level 3

Abyssal Authority

Abyssal Authority

Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 80%.

Level 4

Forever Changed

Forever Changed

Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3



Royal Presence's reactivation now only hits the first enemy in its path, and instead Roots them for 2.25s. Increase the Range of the reactivation by 50%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+16 SR
View Match
7 / 11 / 9
1.05 KDA
Level 50 / 2,920G
Elegant Paring

Elegant Paring


Reduce the Cooldown of Dark Siphon and Obliteration by 0.4s after activating Tendril.

Level 1

New Purpose

New Purpose


Increase your maximum Health by 250.

Level 5

Sharpened Resolve

Sharpened Resolve


Consuming Darkness stacks Heals you for an additional 30 per stack.

Level 3

What May Come

What May Come


Reduce the damage you take by 8% for 3s after activating Tendril.

Level 2

Broken Promises

Broken Promises


Heal for 240 for each enemy hit with Obliteration.

Level 4

Relentless Presence

Relentless Presence


Tendril gains a second charge, but its Cooldown is increased by 2s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+12 SR
View Match
11 / 0 / 6
14 KDA
Level 50 / 2,211G
Standing Stones

Standing Stones

Warder's Field

Reduce the Cooldown of Warder's Field by 5s.

Level 5




Increase your maximum Ammo by 1.

Level 1



Warder's Field

Generate 2 Ammo after activating Warder's Field.

Level 1




Increase your maximum Health by 600.

Level 4

Sacred Ground

Sacred Ground

Warder's Field

Reduce your damage taken by 20% while standing in Warder's Field.

Level 4

Treacherous Ground

Treacherous Ground

Warder's Field

The radius of Warder's Field is increased by 50% and it Cripples enemies within it.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-12 SR
View Match
2 / 11 / 10
0.64 KDA
Level 50 / 2,370G
Brutal Pursuer

Brutal Pursuer

Rift Slash

Increase your Movement Speed by 16% for 5s after casting Rift Slash.

Level 4

True Freedom

True Freedom

You can miss 1 attacks before your chain resets. Increase the window to progress the chain by {scale=0.05|0.05}s.

Level 1

The Little Things

The Little Things

Reduce the Cooldown of Rift Slash by 0.6000000000000001s, up to a max reduction of 5s, when hitting enemies with Realm Breaker.

Level 3

Abyssal Authority

Abyssal Authority

Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 80%.

Level 4

Forever Changed

Forever Changed

Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3



Royal Presence's reactivation now only hits the first enemy in its path, and instead Roots them for 2.25s. Increase the Range of the reactivation by 50%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+14 SR
View Match
0 / 2 / 20
Level 50 / 2,864G
Waning Moon

Waning Moon

Blood Hex

Reduce the Blood cost of Swarm by 20% while an ally is marked by Blood Hex.

Level 4

Wings of Terror

Wings of Terror

Death Wings

Increase the lateral movement of Death Wings by 6%.

Level 1

Blood Cannon

Blood Cannon


Increase extra Blood Health by 1000 while decreasing base Health by {scale=125|125}.

Level 5

Unholy Flight

Unholy Flight

Death Wings

Reduce your damage taken by 5% for 1.5s after activating Death Wings.

Level 1

Symbiotic Relationship

Symbiotic Relationship


Increase the Healing allies receive from Swarm by 16%, but increase its cost by {scale=4|4}%.

Level 4

Cursed Accord

Cursed Accord


Decrease the Blood cost of your abilities by 35% and increase your Healing done by 15%, but reduce the damage you do by 25%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 month ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+12 SR
View Match
13 / 16 / 5
0.97 KDA
Level 50 / 4,674G


Combat Trance

Generate 3 Ammo after activating Combat Trance.

Level 3

Honed Senses

Honed Senses

Combat Trance

Generate 1.7999999999999998% Ultimate charge every 1s while Combat Trance is active.

Level 3

Pouncing Tigron

Pouncing Tigron

Crouching Tigron

Increase the jump strength of Crouching Tigron by 24%.

Level 3

Flying Chakrams

Flying Chakrams


Increase your maximum Ammo by 2.

Level 2

Test of Strength

Test of Strength

Combat Trance

Heal for 180 every 1s while Combat Trance is active.

Level 4

Vicious Assault

Vicious Assault

Crouching Tigron

Crouching Tigron now has 2 charges and deals 600 damage in a 20-unit-radius area on landing.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+9 SR
View Match
19 / 5 / 12
Level 50 / 5,348G
Strength of Stone

Strength of Stone

Calamity Blast

Reduce your damage taken by up to 20% based on the number of Calamity Blast charges you have stored.

Level 5

Hulking Monstrosity

Hulking Monstrosity


Increase your maximum Health by 150.

Level 1



Power Siphon

Reduce the Movement Speed penalty during Power Siphon by 15%.

Level 1

It Watches

It Watches


Generate 9% Power Siphon charge for each enemy hit with Massacre Axe.

Level 3

It Follows

It Follows

Calamity Blast

Increase your Movement Speed by 10% for each Calamity Charge you have.

Level 5




Reduce the damage you take by 20% while at or below 50% Health.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-14 SR
View Match
0 / 5 / 0
Level 50 / 871G
Strength of Stone

Strength of Stone

Calamity Blast

Reduce your damage taken by up to 20% based on the number of Calamity Blast charges you have stored.

Level 5

Hulking Monstrosity

Hulking Monstrosity


Increase your maximum Health by 150.

Level 1



Power Siphon

Reduce the Movement Speed penalty during Power Siphon by 15%.

Level 1

It Watches

It Watches


Generate 9% Power Siphon charge for each enemy hit with Massacre Axe.

Level 3

It Follows

It Follows

Calamity Blast

Increase your Movement Speed by 10% for each Calamity Charge you have.

Level 5




Reduce the damage you take by 20% while at or below 50% Health.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-6 SR
View Match
3 / 5 / 2
0.8 KDA
Level 50 / 1,467G
Elegant Paring

Elegant Paring


Reduce the Cooldown of Dark Siphon and Obliteration by 0.4s after activating Tendril.

Level 1

New Purpose

New Purpose


Increase your maximum Health by 250.

Level 5

Sharpened Resolve

Sharpened Resolve


Consuming Darkness stacks Heals you for an additional 30 per stack.

Level 3

What May Come

What May Come


Reduce the damage you take by 8% for 3s after activating Tendril.

Level 2

Broken Promises

Broken Promises


Heal for 240 for each enemy hit with Obliteration.

Level 4

Deafening Silence

Deafening Silence


Obliteration now Silences enemies hit for 1.65s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-10 SR
View Match
4 / 4 / 29
4.63 KDA
Level 50 / 4,378G
Waning Moon

Waning Moon

Blood Hex

Reduce the Blood cost of Swarm by 20% while an ally is marked by Blood Hex.

Level 4

Wings of Terror

Wings of Terror

Death Wings

Increase the lateral movement of Death Wings by 6%.

Level 1

Blood Cannon

Blood Cannon


Increase extra Blood Health by 1000 while decreasing base Health by {scale=125|125}.

Level 5

Unholy Flight

Unholy Flight

Death Wings

Reduce your damage taken by 5% for 1.5s after activating Death Wings.

Level 1

Symbiotic Relationship

Symbiotic Relationship


Increase the Healing allies receive from Swarm by 16%, but increase its cost by {scale=4|4}%.

Level 4

Cursed Accord

Cursed Accord


Decrease the Blood cost of your abilities by 35% and increase your Healing done by 15%, but reduce the damage you do by 25%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+10 SR
View Match
6 / 4 / 6
2.25 KDA
Level 50 / 2,966G
Grim Deliverance

Grim Deliverance

Heal for 25 for every percentage point of Ire consumed by abilities.

Level 5

Solemn Watch

Solemn Watch

Increase the distance traveled by Conviction by 18%.

Level 3



Reduce the Cooldown of Conviction by 0.4s.

Level 1

Duty is a Mountain

Duty is a Mountain

Increase the time until Ire starts to decay by 0.25s.

Level 1

Tools of Salvation

Tools of Salvation

Increase your maximum Health by 750.

Level 5



Gain 30% Lifesteal on your hits with Judgement.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+9 SR
View Match
2 / 0 / 9
6.5 KDA
Level 50 / 2,179G
Waning Moon

Waning Moon

Blood Hex

Reduce the Blood cost of Swarm by 20% while an ally is marked by Blood Hex.

Level 4

Wings of Terror

Wings of Terror

Death Wings

Increase the lateral movement of Death Wings by 6%.

Level 1

Blood Cannon

Blood Cannon


Increase extra Blood Health by 1000 while decreasing base Health by {scale=125|125}.

Level 5

Unholy Flight

Unholy Flight

Death Wings

Reduce your damage taken by 5% for 1.5s after activating Death Wings.

Level 1

Symbiotic Relationship

Symbiotic Relationship


Increase the Healing allies receive from Swarm by 16%, but increase its cost by {scale=4|4}%.

Level 4

Cursed Accord

Cursed Accord


Decrease the Blood cost of your abilities by 35% and increase your Healing done by 15%, but reduce the damage you do by 25%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-6 SR
View Match
0 / 6 / 0
Level 50 / 1,011G
Grim Deliverance

Grim Deliverance

Heal for 25 for every percentage point of Ire consumed by abilities.

Level 5

Solemn Watch

Solemn Watch

Increase the distance traveled by Conviction by 18%.

Level 3



Reduce the Cooldown of Conviction by 0.4s.

Level 1

Duty is a Mountain

Duty is a Mountain

Increase the time until Ire starts to decay by 0.25s.

Level 1

Tools of Salvation

Tools of Salvation

Increase your maximum Health by 750.

Level 5



Gain 30% Lifesteal on your hits with Judgement.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-10 SR
View Match
1 / 5 / 3
0.5 KDA
Level 50 / 2,604G
Feral Strength

Feral Strength

Guardian Spirit

Increase Luna's Health by 1125.

Level 5

Sanctum of Faith

Sanctum of Faith


Regenerate 3% Moonlight every 1s while not using Moonlight.

Level 3



Lunar Leap

Reset the Cooldown of Lunar Leap after dropping to or below 15% Health.

Level 1




Increase your maximum Moonlight capacity by 40%.

Level 5

Broken Deity

Broken Deity

Guardian Spirit

Increase Luna's deploy range by 20%.

Level 1

Life Link

Life Link

Guardian Spirit

[Guardian Spirit] Luna Heals allies around her for 320 per second. Reduce Moonlight's Healing to 135 every 0.15s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+11 SR
View Match
5 / 5 / 29
3.9 KDA
Level 50 / 4,308G
Aico Forces

Aico Forces

Chain Heal

Reduce the damage you take by 4% for 2s for each ally hit with Chain Heal. This effect stacks.

Level 4

Rest and Relaxation

Rest and Relaxation


Increase your maximum Ammo by 2.

Level 1

Spring to Action

Spring to Action

Spirit Link

Increase the Healing Spirit Links provides every 1s to your linked friendly target by 40 Health.

Level 2

Refreshing Break

Refreshing Break

Chain Heal

Grant 0.8500000000000001% Ultimate Charge to each player to which Chain Heal bounces.

Level 5

Future Generations

Future Generations

Chain Heal

After taking -375 damage, your next use of Chain Heal does not cause it to go on Cooldown.

Level 3



Increase the range of Chain Heal bounces by 40%.

Level 1