Player Avatar

NA - Updated 5 hours ago

Normal: Siege - 6 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-22 SR
View Match
1 / 8 / 1
0.19 KDA
Level 25 / 740G
Criminal Record

Criminal Record

Dragon Stance

Gain 10.5% Lifesteal while in Dragon Stance.

Level 3

Wind's Embrace

Wind's Embrace


Heal for 60 every 1s while Agility is active.

Level 3

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 40%.

Level 4



Dragon Stance

Reduce the rate of Energy consumption while in Dragon Stance by 18%.

Level 3

Dragon Fangs

Dragon Fangs

Dragon Stance

Dragon Stance consumes Health instead of Energy at a rate of 200 Health per second. Dragon Stance requires at least 300 Health to activate and automatically cancels at 15 Health.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 6 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-28 SR
View Match
26 / 10 / 9
3.05 KDA
Level 25 / 4,483G
Something to Prove

Something to Prove


Generate 40% Energy after falling to or below 50% Health.

Level 4

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 10%.

Level 1



Shadow Step

Generate 20 Ammo after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Shadow Step

Heal for 160 after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Adrenaline Junkie

Adrenaline Junkie


Generate 1 Energy for every 80 damage done with your Submachine Guns.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 11 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-27 SR
View Match
2 / 6 / 0
0.33 KDA
Level 25 / 1,004G
Something to Prove

Something to Prove


Generate 40% Energy after falling to or below 50% Health.

Level 4

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 10%.

Level 1



Shadow Step

Generate 20 Ammo after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Shadow Step

Heal for 160 after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Adrenaline Junkie

Adrenaline Junkie


Generate 1 Energy for every 80 damage done with your Submachine Guns.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 13 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-24 SR
View Match
7 / 6 / 6
1.67 KDA
Level 25 / 2,585G
Gathering Power

Gathering Power

Heal for 210 for each enemy hit with Reckoning.

Level 3

Duty is a Mountain

Duty is a Mountain

Increase the time until Ire starts to decay by 0.5s.

Level 2

Eternal Strife

Eternal Strife

Using an ability above Ire threshold Heals you for 150.

Level 2

Tools of Salvation

Tools of Salvation

Increase your maximum Health by 600.

Level 4



Heal for 300 after activating Conviction.

Level 4



Gain 30% Lifesteal on your hits with Judgement.

Level 1

Normal: Onslaught - 1 day ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+52 SR
View Match
10 / 2 / 13
8.25 KDA
Level 25 / 3,673G
All Will Kneel

All Will Kneel

Rift Slash

Increase the Abyssal Rift's pulse area of effect by 24%.

Level 2

Abyssal Authority

Abyssal Authority

Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 100%.

Level 5

Center Of Combat

Center Of Combat

Royal Presence

Increase the max health damage of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 10%.

Level 5

Brutal Pursuer

Brutal Pursuer

Rift Slash

Increase your Movement Speed by 4% for 5s after casting Rift Slash.

Level 1

Forever Changed

Forever Changed

Increase your maximum Health by 300.

Level 2

Show Of Force

Show Of Force

Rift Slash Cripples enemies it hits for 2s, and the resulting Abyssal Rift lasts 1s longer.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 1 day ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-32 SR
View Match
8 / 14 / 16
1.14 KDA
Level 25 / 4,416G
Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 7.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 3




Increase the Healing you do by 10% while at or below 70% Health.

Level 2

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 10% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 2

The Price of Salvation

The Price of Salvation

Abyssal Reconstruction

Heal for 400 over 1s after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 5

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Reconstruction

Reduce the damage taken by an ally Healed by Abyssal Reconstruction by 4% for 2.4000000000000004s after being Healed.

Level 3

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Onslaught - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-37 SR
View Match
7 / 12 / 2
0.67 KDA
Level 25 / 1,790G
Criminal Record

Criminal Record

Dragon Stance

Gain 10.5% Lifesteal while in Dragon Stance.

Level 3

Wind's Embrace

Wind's Embrace


Heal for 60 every 1s while Agility is active.

Level 3

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 40%.

Level 4



Dragon Stance

Reduce the rate of Energy consumption while in Dragon Stance by 18%.

Level 3

Dragon Fangs

Dragon Fangs

Dragon Stance

Dragon Stance consumes Health instead of Energy at a rate of 200 Health per second. Dragon Stance requires at least 300 Health to activate and automatically cancels at 15 Health.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-39 SR
View Match
10 / 7 / 1
1.5 KDA
Level 25 / 1,834G
Something to Prove

Something to Prove


Generate 40% Energy after falling to or below 50% Health.

Level 4

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 10%.

Level 1



Shadow Step

Generate 20 Ammo after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Shadow Step

Heal for 160 after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Adrenaline Junkie

Adrenaline Junkie


Generate 1 Energy for every 80 damage done with your Submachine Guns.

Level 1

Normal: Onslaught - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+42 SR
View Match
8 / 4 / 15
3.88 KDA
Level 25 / 5,041G
Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Reconstruction

Reduce the damage taken by an ally Healed by Abyssal Reconstruction by 4% for 3.2s after being Healed.

Level 4

Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 6%.

Level 2

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 10% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 2

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 120-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 3




Increase the Healing you do by 20% while at or below 70% Health.

Level 4

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Onslaught - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+35 SR
View Match
10 / 3 / 10
Level 25 / 4,491G
Tools of Salvation

Tools of Salvation

Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3

Deadly Edict

Deadly Edict

Reduce the Cooldown of Conviction by 1.2s after using Reckoning.

Level 4

Overwhelming Presence

Overwhelming Presence

Heal for 48 every 0.5s while at least one wall segment of Sanctuary is active.

Level 4

True Conviction

True Conviction

Reduce the damage your other allies take by 5% while they are within 35 units of the middle wall segment of your Sanctuary.

Level 1



Heal for 225 after activating Conviction.

Level 3



Gain 30% Lifesteal on your hits with Judgement.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-144 SR
View Match
6 / 13 / 26
1.46 KDA
Level 25 / 3,592G
Center Of Combat

Center Of Combat

Royal Presence

Increase the max health damage of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 10%.

Level 5

The Little Things

The Little Things

Reduce the Cooldown of Rift Slash by 0.6000000000000001s, up to a max reduction of 5s, when hitting enemies with Realm Breaker.

Level 3

World Torn Asunder

World Torn Asunder

Rift Slash

Increase the speed Rift Slash travels at by 20%.

Level 1

Forever Changed

Forever Changed

Increase your maximum Health by 150.

Level 1

Abyssal Authority

Abyssal Authority

Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 100%.

Level 5

Show Of Force

Show Of Force

Rift Slash Cripples enemies it hits for 2s, and the resulting Abyssal Rift lasts 1s longer.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+16 SR
View Match
20 / 6 / 11
4.25 KDA
Level 25 / 3,504G
Something to Prove

Something to Prove


Generate 40% Energy after falling to or below 50% Health.

Level 4

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 10%.

Level 1



Shadow Step

Generate 20 Ammo after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Shadow Step

Heal for 160 after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Adrenaline Junkie

Adrenaline Junkie


Generate 1 Energy for every 80 damage done with your Submachine Guns.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+31 SR
View Match
5 / 4 / 14
Level 25 / 2,240G
Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Reconstruction

Reduce the damage taken by an ally Healed by Abyssal Reconstruction by 4% for 3.2s after being Healed.

Level 4

Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 6%.

Level 2

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 10% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 2

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 120-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 3




Increase the Healing you do by 20% while at or below 70% Health.

Level 4

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-41 SR
View Match
5 / 8 / 10
1.25 KDA
Level 25 / 4,181G


Heal for 225 after activating Conviction.

Level 3

Overwhelming Presence

Overwhelming Presence

Heal for 12 every 0.5s while at least one wall segment of Sanctuary is active.

Level 1

Ad Eternum

Ad Eternum

Reduce the damage you take by 9% while at least one wall segment of Sanctuary is active.

Level 3

Tools of Salvation

Tools of Salvation

Increase your maximum Health by 750.

Level 5

Gathering Power

Gathering Power

Heal for 210 for each enemy hit with Reckoning.

Level 3



Gain 30% Lifesteal on your hits with Judgement.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-30 SR
View Match
6 / 6 / 7
1.58 KDA
Level 25 / 2,344G



Increase the Healing you do by 15% while at or below 70% Health.

Level 3




Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2

The Price of Salvation

The Price of Salvation

Abyssal Reconstruction

Heal for 240 over 1s after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 120-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 3

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Reconstruction

Reduce the damage taken by an ally Healed by Abyssal Reconstruction by 4% for 3.2s after being Healed.

Level 4

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-148 SR
View Match
13 / 15 / 13
1.3 KDA
Level 25 / 3,726G



Increase your maximum Health by 600.

Level 4

Into the Breach!

Into the Breach!

Battle Shout

Increase your Movement Speed by 32% for 3s after activating Battle Shout.

Level 4

Excessive Force

Excessive Force


Increase your maximum Ammo by 3.

Level 1




Gain 4% Lifesteal.

Level 1

Never Surrender!

Never Surrender!

Battle Shout

Reduce the Cooldown of Battle Shout by 3s.

Level 5

Storm of Bullets

Storm of Bullets


Increase your Attack Speed by 40%, but reduce your damage-per-shot by 25%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-32 SR
View Match
5 / 7 / 10
1.43 KDA
Level 25 / 2,320G
Gathering Power

Gathering Power

Heal for 210 for each enemy hit with Reckoning.

Level 3

Duty is a Mountain

Duty is a Mountain

Increase the time until Ire starts to decay by 0.5s.

Level 2

Eternal Strife

Eternal Strife

Using an ability above Ire threshold Heals you for 150.

Level 2

Tools of Salvation

Tools of Salvation

Increase your maximum Health by 600.

Level 4



Heal for 300 after activating Conviction.

Level 4



Gain 30% Lifesteal on your hits with Judgement.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+68 SR
View Match
21 / 6 / 23
5.42 KDA
Level 25 / 4,433G



Increase the Healing you do by 15% while at or below 70% Health.

Level 3

Priority Targets

Priority Targets

Abyssal Reconstruction

Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction reduces the Cooldown of Projection by 1s. This effect can only occur once every 5s.

Level 2

The Price of Salvation

The Price of Salvation

Abyssal Reconstruction

Heal for 240 over 1s after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 120-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 3

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Effluxion

Abyssal Reconstruction

Reduce the damage taken by an ally Healed by Abyssal Reconstruction by 4% for 3.2s after being Healed.

Level 4

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Onslaught - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-39 SR
View Match
6 / 5 / 19
3.1 KDA
Level 25 / 4,275G
New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 80-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 2

Extraplanar Power

Extraplanar Power


Increase your Movement Speed by 12% for 3s after activating Projection.

Level 2

Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 6%.

Level 2

Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 12.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 5

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 20% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 4

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+99 SR
View Match
2 / 7 / 27
2.21 KDA
Level 25 / 3,422G
New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 80-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 2

Extraplanar Power

Extraplanar Power


Increase your Movement Speed by 12% for 3s after activating Projection.

Level 2

Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 6%.

Level 2

Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 12.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 5

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 20% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 4

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+15 SR
View Match
11 / 3 / 12
5.67 KDA
Level 25 / 2,814G
Wind's Embrace

Wind's Embrace


Heal for 60 every 1s while Agility is active.

Level 3



Shadow Step

Generate 10 Ammo after activating Shadow Step.

Level 2




Regenerate 12 Ammo every 1s while Agility is active.

Level 3

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Shadow Step

Heal for 200 after activating Shadow Step.

Level 5

Adrenaline Junkie

Adrenaline Junkie


Generate 1 Energy for every 80 damage done with your Submachine Guns.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-46 SR
View Match
9 / 10 / 1
0.95 KDA
Level 25 / 2,160G
Something to Prove

Something to Prove


Generate 40% Energy after falling to or below 50% Health.

Level 4

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 10%.

Level 1



Shadow Step

Generate 20 Ammo after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Shadow Step

Heal for 160 after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Adrenaline Junkie

Adrenaline Junkie


Generate 1 Energy for every 80 damage done with your Submachine Guns.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+13 SR
View Match
6 / 4 / 13
3.13 KDA
Level 25 / 2,283G
Wind's Embrace

Wind's Embrace


Heal for 60 every 1s while Agility is active.

Level 3



Shadow Step

Generate 10 Ammo after activating Shadow Step.

Level 2




Regenerate 12 Ammo every 1s while Agility is active.

Level 3

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Shadow Step

Heal for 200 after activating Shadow Step.

Level 5

Blood Reaper

Blood Reaper

Cyclone Strike

Cyclone Strike deals 125% of its target's maximum Health as damage over its duration and your Movement Speed is increased by 25% during the attack.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-46 SR
View Match
0 / 3 / 0
Level 25 / 766G
Something to Prove

Something to Prove


Generate 40% Energy after falling to or below 50% Health.

Level 4

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 10%.

Level 1



Shadow Step

Generate 20 Ammo after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Shadow Step

Heal for 160 after activating Shadow Step.

Level 4

Adrenaline Junkie

Adrenaline Junkie


Generate 1 Energy for every 80 damage done with your Submachine Guns.

Level 1

Normal: Onslaught - 2 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-50 SR
View Match
4 / 7 / 2
0.71 KDA
Level 25 / 3,488G
Duty is a Mountain

Duty is a Mountain

Increase the time until Ire starts to decay by 1s.

Level 4

Grim Deliverance

Grim Deliverance

Heal for 15 for every percentage point of Ire consumed by abilities.

Level 3



Heal for 225 after activating Conviction.

Level 3

Ad Eternum

Ad Eternum

Reduce the damage you take by 6% while at least one wall segment of Sanctuary is active.

Level 2

Tools of Salvation

Tools of Salvation

Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3



Gain 30% Lifesteal on your hits with Judgement.

Level 1