Player Avatar

EU - Updated 6 days ago

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+135 SR
View Match
3 / 5 / 14
Level 57 / 3,051G
Phantom Pain

Phantom Pain


Reduce the Cooldown of Stasis Field by 5s after hitting an enemy with Setback.

Level 5

Hell Hunter

Hell Hunter


Generate 1 Ammo after hitting a fully-charged weapon shot.

Level 1

Safe Haven

Safe Haven


Increase your Healing received by 18% while Stasis Field is active.

Level 3

Distant Memory

Distant Memory


Increase your Healing received from others by 5% while at or below 50% Health.

Level 1

Old Wounds

Old Wounds


Increase your maximum Health by 750.

Level 5

Deja vu

Deja vu


Setback becomes a lobbed explosive, capable of Rewinding multiple enemies.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+20 SR
View Match
9 / 2 / 19
9.25 KDA
Level 57 / 5,091G


Healing Totem

Increase the duration of Healing Totem by 1s.

Level 5

Shamanic Might

Shamanic Might


Increase your maximum Health by 50.

Level 1



Ghost Walk

Decrease the Cooldown of Healing Totem by 3s after activating Ghost Walk.

Level 5

Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 12% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 2

Monolith Totem

Monolith Totem

Healing Totem

Increase the Health of Healing Totem by 300.

Level 2

Totemic Ward

Totemic Ward

Healing Totem

Gain a third charge of Healing Totem, increase their healing by 15%, and increase their radius of 20%. Remedy(+10% Healing and +5% Damage)

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+84 SR
View Match
5 / 9 / 11
1.17 KDA
Level 57 / 3,911G
Furious Charge

Furious Charge

Shoulder Bash

Increase the Knockback distance of Shoulder Bash by 40%.

Level 5

War Machine

War Machine


Reduce your active Cooldowns by 30% after getting an Elimination.

Level 3

Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal


Increase your maximum Health by 150.

Level 1



Kinetic Burst

Increase the Knockback distance of Kinetic Burst by 40%.

Level 5

Siege Engine

Siege Engine

Kinetic Burst

Reduce the Cooldown of Siege Shield by 1s for each enemy hit with Kinetic Burst.

Level 1

Fortress Breaker

Fortress Breaker

Siege Shield

Increase Siege Shield's maximum Health by 2500 and its size by 50%, but reduce its Movement Speed by 80%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+106 SR
View Match
16 / 7 / 4
2.57 KDA
Level 57 / 3,031G
Shadow's Perch

Shadow's Perch


Increase the range of Ambush by 50%.

Level 5



Shadow Bombs

Generate 2 Ammo after hitting at least one enemy with Shadow Bombs.

Level 2




Heal for -37.5 every 0.5s for {scale=0.5|0.5}s after activating Dash. This effect stacks.

Level 5

Memento Vivere

Memento Vivere


Increase your maximum Health by 40.

Level 1

Gathering Shadow

Gathering Shadow


Reduce the damage you take by 10% for 2s after Ambush ends. This applies to each Ambush in the chain.

Level 2

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+10 SR
View Match
16 / 3 / 5
6.17 KDA
Betty la Bomba
Level 57 / 2,790G
Queen's Entrance

Queen's Entrance

Explosive Personality

Increase the lateral movement from each use of Explosive Personality by 80%.

Level 2

Queen's Reign

Queen's Reign

Cluster Grenade

Reduce the Cooldown of Cluster Grenade by 0.5s for each enemy hit by the initial and secondary explosions.

Level 5

Stylish Destruction

Stylish Destruction

Explosive Personality

Increase your Air Control for 2s after using Explosive Personality by 20%.

Level 1

Bouncing Betty

Bouncing Betty

Explosive Personality

Heal for 150 for each use of Explosive Personality.

Level 5

Fire from Above

Fire from Above

Explosive Personality

Increase the vertical movement from each use of Explosive Personality by 80%.

Level 2

Gotta Bounce

Gotta Bounce

Explosive Personality

Reduce the Cooldown of Explosive Personality by 5s, but reduce your Movement Speed by 15%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+26 SR
View Match
3 / 2 / 20
6.5 KDA
Level 57 / 3,267G


Healing Totem

Increase the duration of Healing Totem by 1s.

Level 5

Shamanic Might

Shamanic Might


Increase your maximum Health by 50.

Level 1



Ghost Walk

Decrease the Cooldown of Healing Totem by 3s after activating Ghost Walk.

Level 5

Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 12% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 2

Monolith Totem

Monolith Totem

Healing Totem

Increase the Health of Healing Totem by 300.

Level 2

Totemic Ward

Totemic Ward

Healing Totem

Gain a third charge of Healing Totem, increase their healing by 15%, and increase their radius of 20%. Remedy(+10% Healing and +5% Damage)

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+56 SR
View Match
17 / 5 / 21
5.5 KDA
Level 57 / 4,255G
End of an Era

End of an Era


Increase the additional Damage Reduction benefit of Hardening by 20% but reduce its duration by {scale=10|10}%.

Level 1

Last Efforts

Last Efforts

Piercing Quills

Hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills grants 20% Lifesteal for 1.2s.

Level 2

Ancient Wounds

Ancient Wounds

Piercing Quills

Generate 10% of your maximum acid after hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills.

Level 5

Futile Efforts

Futile Efforts


Reduce the Cooldown of Piercing Quills by 0.1s each time you hit an enemy with Caustic Spray.

Level 2

Towering Presence

Towering Presence


Increase the Health of your Ultimate Health pool by 1000.

Level 5

Corrosive Acid

Corrosive Acid

Caustic Spray

Augment your acid, increasing the damage done by Caustic Spray to 42, the damage of acid pools to 40, and increase the Movement Speed of allies within your acid pools by 20%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+19 SR
View Match
17 / 5 / 8
4.2 KDA
Betty la Bomba
Level 57 / 3,078G
He Can Run

He Can Run

Hail of Bombs

Increase your Movement Speed by 75% for 2s after activating Hail of Bombs.

Level 5

Queen's Reign

Queen's Reign

Cluster Grenade

Reduce the Cooldown of Cluster Grenade by 0.1s for each enemy hit by the initial and secondary explosions.

Level 1

Creator's Claim

Creator's Claim


Increase your maximum Health by 50.

Level 1

He Will Explode

He Will Explode

Hail of Bombs

Reduce the Cooldown of Explosive Personality by 18% after activating Hail of Bombs.

Level 3

A Runaway

A Runaway

Hail of Bombs

Increase the explosion radius of Hail of Bombs' explosives by 50%.

Level 5

Controlled Fury

Controlled Fury

Hail of Bombs

Reduce the range of Hail of Bombs by 50%, concentrating the explosions in a smaller area, and reduce the Cooldown of Hail of Bombs by 2s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+22 SR
View Match
13 / 18 / 17
1.19 KDA
Betty la Bomba
Level 57 / 4,518G
Queen's Entrance

Queen's Entrance

Explosive Personality

Increase the lateral movement from each use of Explosive Personality by 80%.

Level 2

Queen's Reign

Queen's Reign

Cluster Grenade

Reduce the Cooldown of Cluster Grenade by 0.5s for each enemy hit by the initial and secondary explosions.

Level 5

Stylish Destruction

Stylish Destruction

Explosive Personality

Increase your Air Control for 2s after using Explosive Personality by 20%.

Level 1

Bouncing Betty

Bouncing Betty

Explosive Personality

Heal for 150 for each use of Explosive Personality.

Level 5

Fire from Above

Fire from Above

Explosive Personality

Increase the vertical movement from each use of Explosive Personality by 80%.

Level 2

Gotta Bounce

Gotta Bounce

Explosive Personality

Reduce the Cooldown of Explosive Personality by 5s, but reduce your Movement Speed by 15%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+23 SR
View Match
10 / 1 / 11
15.5 KDA
Betty la Bomba
Level 57 / 2,500G
Queen's Entrance

Queen's Entrance

Explosive Personality

Increase the lateral movement from each use of Explosive Personality by 80%.

Level 2

Queen's Reign

Queen's Reign

Cluster Grenade

Reduce the Cooldown of Cluster Grenade by 0.5s for each enemy hit by the initial and secondary explosions.

Level 5

Stylish Destruction

Stylish Destruction

Explosive Personality

Increase your Air Control for 2s after using Explosive Personality by 20%.

Level 1

Bouncing Betty

Bouncing Betty

Explosive Personality

Heal for 150 for each use of Explosive Personality.

Level 5

Fire from Above

Fire from Above

Explosive Personality

Increase the vertical movement from each use of Explosive Personality by 80%.

Level 2

Gotta Bounce

Gotta Bounce

Explosive Personality

Reduce the Cooldown of Explosive Personality by 5s, but reduce your Movement Speed by 15%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-97 SR
View Match
0 / 4 / 5
0.63 KDA
Level 57 / 1,517G
Unchecked Power

Unchecked Power

Rift Slash

Increase the slow strength of the rift's pulses by 5%.

Level 1

The New Order

The New Order

Royal Presence

Gain a 150 health Shield for each enemy hit by Royal Presence's chain grab.

Level 5

Abyssal Authority

Abyssal Authority

Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 40%.

Level 2

Center Of Combat

Center Of Combat

Royal Presence

Increase the max health damage of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 10%.

Level 5

Unyielding Advance

Unyielding Advance

Increase Abyssal Fortress' Health by 400

Level 2

Show Of Force

Show Of Force

Rift Slash Cripples enemies it hits for 2s, and the resulting Abyssal Rift lasts 1s longer.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+26 SR
View Match
15 / 5 / 9
3.9 KDA
Level 57 / 4,134G
Glyph of Health

Glyph of Health


Increase your maximum Health by 750.

Level 5

Eldritch Speed

Eldritch Speed


Increase your Movement Speed by 10% during Recharge and for 3s after it ends.

Level 1

Scribe's Wit

Scribe's Wit


Reduce the Cooldown of Nullify by 1s.

Level 1

Glyph of Siphoning

Glyph of Siphoning


Gain a 300-Health Shield after getting an Elimination.

Level 3

Glyph of Freedom

Glyph of Freedom


Reduce your active Cooldowns by 40% after getting an Elimination.

Level 5

Thanks, Grandpa

Thanks, Grandpa


Increase Protection's Shield Health by 300 and reduce its Cooldown by 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-65 SR
View Match
12 / 5 / 5
2.9 KDA
Level 57 / 2,565G
End of an Era

End of an Era


Increase the additional Damage Reduction benefit of Hardening by 20% but reduce its duration by {scale=10|10}%.

Level 1

Last Efforts

Last Efforts

Piercing Quills

Hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills grants 20% Lifesteal for 1.2s.

Level 2

Ancient Wounds

Ancient Wounds

Piercing Quills

Generate 10% of your maximum acid after hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills.

Level 5

Futile Efforts

Futile Efforts


Reduce the Cooldown of Piercing Quills by 0.1s each time you hit an enemy with Caustic Spray.

Level 2

Towering Presence

Towering Presence


Increase the Health of your Ultimate Health pool by 1000.

Level 5

Corrosive Acid

Corrosive Acid

Caustic Spray

Augment your acid, increasing the damage done by Caustic Spray to 42, the damage of acid pools to 40, and increase the Movement Speed of allies within your acid pools by 20%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+25 SR
View Match
12 / 0 / 14
19 KDA
Level 57 / 2,948G
Glyph of Health

Glyph of Health


Increase your maximum Health by 750.

Level 5

Eldritch Speed

Eldritch Speed


Increase your Movement Speed by 10% during Recharge and for 3s after it ends.

Level 1

Scribe's Wit

Scribe's Wit


Reduce the Cooldown of Nullify by 1s.

Level 1

Glyph of Siphoning

Glyph of Siphoning


Gain a 300-Health Shield after getting an Elimination.

Level 3

Glyph of Freedom

Glyph of Freedom


Reduce your active Cooldowns by 40% after getting an Elimination.

Level 5

Thanks, Grandpa

Thanks, Grandpa


Increase Protection's Shield Health by 300 and reduce its Cooldown by 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-71 SR
View Match
3 / 8 / 11
1.06 KDA
Level 57 / 3,078G
Feral Strength

Feral Strength

Guardian Spirit

Increase Luna's Health by 675.

Level 3



Guardian Spirit

Regenerate 10% Moonlight every 1s while within 30 units of Luna and not using Moonlight.

Level 5

Lunar Connection

Lunar Connection

Guardian Spirit

Reduce the cooldown of Luna's initial deploy by 2.4s.

Level 2



Lunar Leap

Reset the Cooldown of Lunar Leap after dropping to or below 45% Health.

Level 3

Spirit Arrows

Spirit Arrows


Reduce the Cooldown of Luna's redeploy by 0.2s after healing with Moonlight.

Level 2

Life Link

Life Link

Guardian Spirit

[Guardian Spirit] Luna Heals allies around her for 320 per second. Reduce Moonlight's Healing to 135 every 0.15s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+46 SR
View Match
26 / 8 / 20
4.5 KDA
Level 57 / 7,131G
Glyph of Health

Glyph of Health


Increase your maximum Health by 750.

Level 5

Eldritch Speed

Eldritch Speed


Increase your Movement Speed by 10% during Recharge and for 3s after it ends.

Level 1

Scribe's Wit

Scribe's Wit


Reduce the Cooldown of Nullify by 1s.

Level 1

Glyph of Siphoning

Glyph of Siphoning


Gain a 300-Health Shield after getting an Elimination.

Level 3

Glyph of Freedom

Glyph of Freedom


Reduce your active Cooldowns by 40% after getting an Elimination.

Level 5

Thanks, Grandpa

Thanks, Grandpa


Increase Protection's Shield Health by 300 and reduce its Cooldown by 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-25 SR
View Match
13 / 6 / 6
2.67 KDA
Level 57 / 3,365G
Dark Vision

Dark Vision

Blitz Upper

Generate 15% Ultimate charge after hitting an enemy with Blitz Upper.

Level 5



Rune of Travel

Heal for 100 after Teleporting to your Rune of Travel.

Level 1



Rune of Travel

Increase your Movement Speed by 16% while Rune of Travel is active.

Level 2



Rune of Travel

Increase the duration of Rune of Travel by 2s.

Level 2

Ancient Power

Ancient Power


Reduce the Cooldown of Blitz Upper by 2.5s for each enemy hit while Overcharge is active.

Level 5

Nothing Personal

Nothing Personal

True Power

Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 15% and enemies at or below 65% Health are Revealed to you.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+60 SR
View Match
8 / 4 / 13
3.63 KDA
Level 57 / 2,986G
End of an Era

End of an Era


Increase the additional Damage Reduction benefit of Hardening by 20% but reduce its duration by {scale=10|10}%.

Level 1

Last Efforts

Last Efforts

Piercing Quills

Hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills grants 20% Lifesteal for 1.2s.

Level 2

Ancient Wounds

Ancient Wounds

Piercing Quills

Generate 10% of your maximum acid after hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills.

Level 5

Futile Efforts

Futile Efforts


Reduce the Cooldown of Piercing Quills by 0.1s each time you hit an enemy with Caustic Spray.

Level 2

Towering Presence

Towering Presence


Increase the Health of your Ultimate Health pool by 1000.

Level 5

Corrosive Acid

Corrosive Acid

Caustic Spray

Augment your acid, increasing the damage done by Caustic Spray to 42, the damage of acid pools to 40, and increase the Movement Speed of allies within your acid pools by 20%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+109 SR
View Match
20 / 2 / 14
13.5 KDA
Level 57 / 3,441G
End of an Era

End of an Era


Increase the additional Damage Reduction benefit of Hardening by 20% but reduce its duration by {scale=10|10}%.

Level 1

Last Efforts

Last Efforts

Piercing Quills

Hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills grants 20% Lifesteal for 1.2s.

Level 2

Ancient Wounds

Ancient Wounds

Piercing Quills

Generate 10% of your maximum acid after hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills.

Level 5

Futile Efforts

Futile Efforts


Reduce the Cooldown of Piercing Quills by 0.1s each time you hit an enemy with Caustic Spray.

Level 2

Towering Presence

Towering Presence


Increase the Health of your Ultimate Health pool by 1000.

Level 5

Corrosive Acid

Corrosive Acid

Caustic Spray

Augment your acid, increasing the damage done by Caustic Spray to 42, the damage of acid pools to 40, and increase the Movement Speed of allies within your acid pools by 20%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-31 SR
View Match
3 / 4 / 2
Betty la Bomba
Level 57 / 1,214G
Queen's Entrance

Queen's Entrance

Explosive Personality

Increase the lateral movement from each use of Explosive Personality by 80%.

Level 2

Queen's Reign

Queen's Reign

Cluster Grenade

Reduce the Cooldown of Cluster Grenade by 0.5s for each enemy hit by the initial and secondary explosions.

Level 5

Stylish Destruction

Stylish Destruction

Explosive Personality

Increase your Air Control for 2s after using Explosive Personality by 20%.

Level 1

Bouncing Betty

Bouncing Betty

Explosive Personality

Heal for 150 for each use of Explosive Personality.

Level 5

Fire from Above

Fire from Above

Explosive Personality

Increase the vertical movement from each use of Explosive Personality by 80%.

Level 2

Gotta Bounce

Gotta Bounce

Explosive Personality

Reduce the Cooldown of Explosive Personality by 5s, but reduce your Movement Speed by 15%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-88 SR
View Match
0 / 5 / 1
0.1 KDA
Level 57 / 1,151G
Feral Strength

Feral Strength

Guardian Spirit

Increase Luna's Health by 675.

Level 3



Guardian Spirit

Regenerate 10% Moonlight every 1s while within 30 units of Luna and not using Moonlight.

Level 5

Lunar Connection

Lunar Connection

Guardian Spirit

Reduce the cooldown of Luna's initial deploy by 2.4s.

Level 2



Lunar Leap

Reset the Cooldown of Lunar Leap after dropping to or below 45% Health.

Level 3

Spirit Arrows

Spirit Arrows


Reduce the Cooldown of Luna's redeploy by 0.2s after healing with Moonlight.

Level 2

Life Link

Life Link

Guardian Spirit

[Guardian Spirit] Luna Heals allies around her for 320 per second. Reduce Moonlight's Healing to 135 every 0.15s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-50 SR
View Match
2 / 6 / 2
0.5 KDA
Betty la Bomba
Level 57 / 1,469G
A Runaway

A Runaway

Hail of Bombs

Increase the explosion radius of Hail of Bombs' explosives by 30%.

Level 3

Stylish Destruction

Stylish Destruction

Explosive Personality

Increase your Air Control for 2s after using Explosive Personality by 20%.

Level 1

Stunning Entrance

Stunning Entrance

Cluster Grenade

Heal for 50 for each enemy hit by the initial and secondary explosions of Cluster Grenade.

Level 5

Queen's Reign

Queen's Reign

Cluster Grenade

Reduce the Cooldown of Cluster Grenade by 0.5s for each enemy hit by the initial and secondary explosions.

Level 5

He Can Run

He Can Run

Hail of Bombs

Increase your Movement Speed by 15% for 2s after activating Hail of Bombs.

Level 1

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+57 SR
View Match
4 / 4 / 22
3.75 KDA
Level 57 / 3,684G
Feral Strength

Feral Strength

Guardian Spirit

Increase Luna's Health by 675.

Level 3



Guardian Spirit

Regenerate 10% Moonlight every 1s while within 30 units of Luna and not using Moonlight.

Level 5

Lunar Connection

Lunar Connection

Guardian Spirit

Reduce the cooldown of Luna's initial deploy by 2.4s.

Level 2



Lunar Leap

Reset the Cooldown of Lunar Leap after dropping to or below 45% Health.

Level 3

Spirit Arrows

Spirit Arrows


Reduce the Cooldown of Luna's redeploy by 0.2s after healing with Moonlight.

Level 2

Life Link

Life Link

Guardian Spirit

[Guardian Spirit] Luna Heals allies around her for 320 per second. Reduce Moonlight's Healing to 135 every 0.15s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-166 SR
View Match
4 / 10 / 20
1.4 KDA
Level 57 / 2,728G
Spring Bloom

Spring Bloom


Reduce the Cooldown of Illusion by 2s when an Illusion dies to an enemy.

Level 4




Increase your maximum Health by 50.

Level 1




Reduce your active Cooldowns by 2s after getting an Elimination.

Level 2




Reduce the Cooldown of Shatter by 2.5s.

Level 5




Increase the Health of each of your Illusions by 300.

Level 3

Life Exchange

Life Exchange


Shatter instantly Heals your target for 800, but its Cooldown is increased by 1s and it no longer explodes your Illusions. Reduce the Cooldown of Shatter by 2s if you miss.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 months ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+49 SR
View Match
2 / 0 / 19
11.5 KDA
Level 57 / 2,228G
Feral Strength

Feral Strength

Guardian Spirit

Increase Luna's Health by 675.

Level 3



Guardian Spirit

Regenerate 10% Moonlight every 1s while within 30 units of Luna and not using Moonlight.

Level 5

Lunar Connection

Lunar Connection

Guardian Spirit

Reduce the cooldown of Luna's initial deploy by 2.4s.

Level 2



Lunar Leap

Reset the Cooldown of Lunar Leap after dropping to or below 45% Health.

Level 3

Spirit Arrows

Spirit Arrows


Reduce the Cooldown of Luna's redeploy by 0.2s after healing with Moonlight.

Level 2

Life Link

Life Link

Guardian Spirit

[Guardian Spirit] Luna Heals allies around her for 320 per second. Reduce Moonlight's Healing to 135 every 0.15s.

Level 1