Player Avatar

NA - Updated 4 hours ago

Normal: Siege - 4 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-218 SR
View Match
3 / 16 / 13
0.59 KDA
Level 19 / 2,729G



Increase the duration of Hidden by 1s.

Level 1

Victory Rush

Victory Rush


Increase your Movement Speed by 20% for 4s after getting an Elimination.

Level 2



Poison Bolts

Reduce the Cooldown of Poison Bolts by 4s.

Level 5

Emergency Exit

Emergency Exit


Automatically enter Stealth after dropping to or below 30% Health. This can happen once every -20s.

Level 4



Poison Bolts

You do not consume Ammo for 1.5s after hitting an enemy with Poison Bolts.

Level 3



Poison Bolts

Increase the damage done by Poison Bolts by 25% and the rate at which they deal damage by 75%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-89 SR
View Match
0 / 8 / 3
0.19 KDA
Level 18 / 1,481G
Sacred Ground

Sacred Ground

Warder's Field

Reduce your damage taken by 25% while standing in Warder's Field.

Level 5



Warder's Field

Generate 2 Ammo after activating Warder's Field.

Level 1




Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3

Rolling Stones

Rolling Stones


Reduce your active Cooldowns by 16% after getting an Elimination.

Level 2

Standing Stones

Standing Stones

Warder's Field

Reduce the Cooldown of Warder's Field by 4s.

Level 4




Impasse now has 2 charges and its Cooldown is reduced to 12s, but you are unable to destroy your walls.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-37 SR
View Match
4 / 9 / 0
0.44 KDA
Level 18 / 1,580G
Heat Sink

Heat Sink

Pyre Ball

Dealing damage with Pyre Ball reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb by 2.4000000000000004s.

Level 3



Elemental Shift

Reduce your damage taken by 20% for 2s after activating Elemental Shift.

Level 4

Arcane Flame

Arcane Flame

Inferno Cannon

Increase the Mana generation of Inferno Cannon by 45%.

Level 3

Swift Sear

Swift Sear

Inferno Cannon

Increase your Movement Speed while casting Inferno Cannon by 60%.

Level 3

Pyretic Momentum

Pyretic Momentum

Frostfire Glide

FrostFire Glide travels 10% faster.

Level 2

Mana Rift

Mana Rift


Remaining still for 1s creates a Mana Rift around you that generates Mana every 1s. Leaving the Mana Rift destroys it.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 5 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+61 SR
View Match
9 / 6 / 3
1.75 KDA
Level 18 / 2,405G
Heat Sink

Heat Sink

Pyre Ball

Dealing damage with Pyre Ball reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb by 2.4000000000000004s.

Level 3



Elemental Shift

Reduce your damage taken by 20% for 2s after activating Elemental Shift.

Level 4

Arcane Flame

Arcane Flame

Inferno Cannon

Increase the Mana generation of Inferno Cannon by 45%.

Level 3

Swift Sear

Swift Sear

Inferno Cannon

Increase your Movement Speed while casting Inferno Cannon by 60%.

Level 3

Pyretic Momentum

Pyretic Momentum

Frostfire Glide

FrostFire Glide travels 10% faster.

Level 2

Mana Rift

Mana Rift


Remaining still for 1s creates a Mana Rift around you that generates Mana every 1s. Leaving the Mana Rift destroys it.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-200 SR
View Match
7 / 8 / 17
1.94 KDA
Level 18 / 4,602G


Earthen Guard

Reduce the Cooldown of Earthen Guard by 0.5s.

Level 1




Increase your maximum Health by 150.

Level 1




Gain a 625-Health Shield for 3s after activating Impasse.

Level 5




Heal for 750 after activating Impasse.

Level 5

Rolling Stones

Rolling Stones


Reduce your active Cooldowns by 24% after getting an Elimination.

Level 3

Mother's Grace

Mother's Grace

Earthen Guard

Reduce your damage taken by 15%, gain an additional 20% Bonus Healing, and gain Immunity to Crowd Control while Earthen Guard is active.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 5 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+30 SR
View Match
1 / 2 / 14
Level 17 / 2,233G
Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 12%.

Level 4

Ominous Relic

Ominous Relic

Abyssal Reconstruction

Generate 15 Ammo after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 5

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 80-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 2

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 15% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 2.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 1

Spreading Influence

Spreading Influence

Mark of Fate

Decrease the percentage of Healing given to Marked targets by 20%, but you can have two Marks out at a time.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 6 hours ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-44 SR
View Match
3 / 10 / 1
0.35 KDA
Level 17 / 2,550G
Heat Sink

Heat Sink

Pyre Ball

Dealing damage with Pyre Ball reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb by 2.4000000000000004s.

Level 3



Elemental Shift

Reduce your damage taken by 20% for 2s after activating Elemental Shift.

Level 4

Arcane Flame

Arcane Flame

Inferno Cannon

Increase the Mana generation of Inferno Cannon by 45%.

Level 3

Swift Sear

Swift Sear

Inferno Cannon

Increase your Movement Speed while casting Inferno Cannon by 60%.

Level 3

Pyretic Momentum

Pyretic Momentum

Frostfire Glide

FrostFire Glide travels 10% faster.

Level 2

Splitting Ice

Splitting Ice

Frost Bolt

Frost Bolt Chains to a nearby enemy within 30 units, dealing 225 damage.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+153 SR
View Match
3 / 5 / 4
Level 17 / 2,380G



Reduce your active Cooldowns by 8% after getting an Elimination.

Level 1

Into the Breach!

Into the Breach!

Battle Shout

Increase your Movement Speed by 32% for 3s after activating Battle Shout.

Level 4

Excessive Force

Excessive Force


Increase your maximum Ammo by 3.

Level 1




Increase your maximum Health by 600.

Level 4

Never Surrender!

Never Surrender!

Battle Shout

Reduce the Cooldown of Battle Shout by 3s.

Level 5

Storm of Bullets

Storm of Bullets


Increase your Attack Speed by 40%, but reduce your damage-per-shot by 25%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+91 SR
View Match
14 / 7 / 12
2.86 KDA
Level 17 / 3,843G
Heat Sink

Heat Sink

Pyre Ball

Dealing damage with Pyre Ball reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb by 2.4000000000000004s.

Level 3



Elemental Shift

Reduce your damage taken by 20% for 2s after activating Elemental Shift.

Level 4

Arcane Flame

Arcane Flame

Inferno Cannon

Increase the Mana generation of Inferno Cannon by 45%.

Level 3

Swift Sear

Swift Sear

Inferno Cannon

Increase your Movement Speed while casting Inferno Cannon by 60%.

Level 3

Pyretic Momentum

Pyretic Momentum

Frostfire Glide

FrostFire Glide travels 10% faster.

Level 2



Pyre Ball

Each of your Pyre Balls explodes in a 20-unit-radius area on hit and generate more Mana, but the damage of Pyre Ball when fully charged is reduced to 800.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-37 SR
View Match
16 / 17 / 16
1.41 KDA
Level 17 / 4,383G
Heat Sink

Heat Sink

Pyre Ball

Dealing damage with Pyre Ball reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb by 2.4000000000000004s.

Level 3



Elemental Shift

Reduce your damage taken by 20% for 2s after activating Elemental Shift.

Level 4

Arcane Flame

Arcane Flame

Inferno Cannon

Increase the Mana generation of Inferno Cannon by 45%.

Level 3

Swift Sear

Swift Sear

Inferno Cannon

Increase your Movement Speed while casting Inferno Cannon by 60%.

Level 3

Pyretic Momentum

Pyretic Momentum

Frostfire Glide

FrostFire Glide travels 10% faster.

Level 2



Pyre Ball

Each of your Pyre Balls explodes in a 20-unit-radius area on hit and generate more Mana, but the damage of Pyre Ball when fully charged is reduced to 800.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-25 SR
View Match
2 / 14 / 9
0.46 KDA
Level 17 / 2,340G
Unyielding Discipline

Unyielding Discipline


Reduce the Cooldown of Projection by 2s for each enemy hit by it.

Level 4

Magistrate's Might

Magistrate's Might


Gain a 390-Health Shield for 3s after dropping to or below 35% Health.

Level 3

By My Will

By My Will


Increase your maximum Ammo by 12.

Level 3

Extraplanar Power

Extraplanar Power


Increase your Movement Speed by 12% for 3s after activating Projection.

Level 2

Unexpected Complications

Unexpected Complications


Regenerate 10 Ammo every 0.5s for 1.5s after using Projection.

Level 3

Spreading Influence

Spreading Influence

Mark of Fate

Decrease the percentage of Healing given to Marked targets by 20%, but you can have two Marks out at a time.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+235 SR
View Match
2 / 7 / 8
0.86 KDA
Level 17 / 3,400G
Eerie Presence

Eerie Presence

Mending Spirits

Generate 0.25% Ultimate charge every 1s for 3s after hitting an ally with Mending Spirits.

Level 3

Venomous Gourd

Venomous Gourd


Standing in your Gourd grants yourself and allies 32% Lifesteal.

Level 4

Pungent Gourd

Pungent Gourd


Increase your Allies' and your Movement Speed by 10% while in your Gourd .

Level 2

Many Gourds

Many Gourds


Reduce the Cooldown of Gourd by 4s.

Level 5

Lighter Gourd

Lighter Gourd


Increase the Projectile Speed of Gourd by 10%.

Level 1

Spirit's Chosen

Spirit's Chosen

Mending Spirits

Mending Spirits immediately Heals your target for an additional 350.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-196 SR
View Match
3 / 8 / 5
0.69 KDA
Level 16 / 3,275G
Hulking Monstrosity

Hulking Monstrosity


Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3



Power Siphon

Reduce the Movement Speed penalty during Power Siphon by 15%.

Level 1

Strength of Stone

Strength of Stone

Calamity Blast

Reduce your damage taken by up to 16% based on the number of Calamity Blast charges you have stored.

Level 4

It Follows

It Follows

Calamity Blast

Increase your Movement Speed by 10% for each Calamity Charge you have.

Level 5

It Watches

It Watches


Generate 6% Power Siphon charge for each enemy hit with Massacre Axe.

Level 2




Reduce the damage you take by 20% while at or below 50% Health.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-46 SR
View Match
7 / 7 / 5
1.36 KDA
Level 14 / 2,670G
Heat Sink

Heat Sink

Pyre Ball

Dealing damage with Pyre Ball reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb by 2.4000000000000004s.

Level 3



Elemental Shift

Reduce your damage taken by 20% for 2s after activating Elemental Shift.

Level 4

Arcane Flame

Arcane Flame

Inferno Cannon

Increase the Mana generation of Inferno Cannon by 45%.

Level 3

Swift Sear

Swift Sear

Inferno Cannon

Increase your Movement Speed while casting Inferno Cannon by 60%.

Level 3

Pyretic Momentum

Pyretic Momentum

Frostfire Glide

FrostFire Glide travels 10% faster.

Level 2



Pyre Ball

Each of your Pyre Balls explodes in a 20-unit-radius area on hit and generate more Mana, but the damage of Pyre Ball when fully charged is reduced to 800.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-106 SR
View Match
5 / 10 / 5
0.75 KDA
Level 14 / 1,822G
Heat Sink

Heat Sink

Pyre Ball

Dealing damage with Pyre Ball reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb by 2.4000000000000004s.

Level 3



Elemental Shift

Reduce your damage taken by 20% for 2s after activating Elemental Shift.

Level 4

Arcane Flame

Arcane Flame

Inferno Cannon

Increase the Mana generation of Inferno Cannon by 45%.

Level 3

Swift Sear

Swift Sear

Inferno Cannon

Increase your Movement Speed while casting Inferno Cannon by 60%.

Level 3

Pyretic Momentum

Pyretic Momentum

Frostfire Glide

FrostFire Glide travels 10% faster.

Level 2



Pyre Ball

Each of your Pyre Balls explodes in a 20-unit-radius area on hit and generate more Mana, but the damage of Pyre Ball when fully charged is reduced to 800.

Level 1

Normal: Onslaught - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-31 SR
View Match
4 / 6 / 13
1.75 KDA
Level 14 / 4,434G
Unyielding Discipline

Unyielding Discipline


Reduce the Cooldown of Projection by 2s for each enemy hit by it.

Level 4

Magistrate's Might

Magistrate's Might


Gain a 390-Health Shield for 3s after dropping to or below 35% Health.

Level 3

By My Will

By My Will


Increase your maximum Ammo by 12.

Level 3

Extraplanar Power

Extraplanar Power


Increase your Movement Speed by 12% for 3s after activating Projection.

Level 2

Unexpected Complications

Unexpected Complications


Regenerate 10 Ammo every 0.5s for 1.5s after using Projection.

Level 3

Spreading Influence

Spreading Influence

Mark of Fate

Decrease the percentage of Healing given to Marked targets by 20%, but you can have two Marks out at a time.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-56 SR
View Match
3 / 7 / 4
0.71 KDA
Level 14 / 1,412G
Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 12%.

Level 4

Ominous Relic

Ominous Relic

Abyssal Reconstruction

Generate 15 Ammo after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 5

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 80-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 2

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 15% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 2.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 1

Spreading Influence

Spreading Influence

Mark of Fate

Decrease the percentage of Healing given to Marked targets by 20%, but you can have two Marks out at a time.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+64 SR
View Match
11 / 15 / 20
1.4 KDA
Level 14 / 4,731G
Unyielding Discipline

Unyielding Discipline


Reduce the Cooldown of Projection by 2s for each enemy hit by it.

Level 4

Magistrate's Might

Magistrate's Might


Gain a 390-Health Shield for 3s after dropping to or below 35% Health.

Level 3

By My Will

By My Will


Increase your maximum Ammo by 12.

Level 3

Extraplanar Power

Extraplanar Power


Increase your Movement Speed by 12% for 3s after activating Projection.

Level 2

Unexpected Complications

Unexpected Complications


Regenerate 10 Ammo every 0.5s for 1.5s after using Projection.

Level 3

Stunning Visage

Stunning Visage


Enemies hit by Projection are stunned for 1s and any enemy caught between your Projection and you when you Teleport takes 800 damage.

Level 1

Normal: Onslaught - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+208 SR
View Match
1 / 4 / 16
2.25 KDA
Level 14 / 3,518G


Shoulder Bash

Reduce your damage taken by 24% for 2s after using Shoulder Bash.

Level 3

Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal


Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3




Gain 30% Lifesteal.

Level 3



Kinetic Burst

Increase the Knockback distance of Kinetic Burst by 8%.

Level 1



Shoulder Bash

Reduce the Cooldown of Shoulder Bash by 4s.

Level 5

Battering Ram

Battering Ram

Shoulder Bash

Reduce your damage taken by 75% while using Shoulder Bash.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-73 SR
View Match
4 / 13 / 23
1.19 KDA
Level 13 / 3,186G
Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 12%.

Level 4




Increase your maximum Health by 50.

Level 1

Ominous Relic

Ominous Relic

Abyssal Reconstruction

Generate 15 Ammo after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 5

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 15% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

The Price of Salvation

The Price of Salvation

Abyssal Reconstruction

Heal for 160 over 1s after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 2

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+81 SR
View Match
1 / 6 / 4
0.5 KDA
Level 13 / 2,419G
Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 12%.

Level 4

Ominous Relic

Ominous Relic

Abyssal Reconstruction

Generate 15 Ammo after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 5

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 80-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 2

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 15% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 2.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 1

Stunning Visage

Stunning Visage


Enemies hit by Projection are stunned for 1s and any enemy caught between your Projection and you when you Teleport takes 800 damage.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-85 SR
View Match
7 / 7 / 10
1.71 KDA
Level 13 / 2,266G
Unyielding Discipline

Unyielding Discipline


Reduce the Cooldown of Projection by 2s for each enemy hit by it.

Level 4

Magistrate's Might

Magistrate's Might


Gain a 390-Health Shield for 3s after dropping to or below 35% Health.

Level 3

By My Will

By My Will


Increase your maximum Ammo by 12.

Level 3

Extraplanar Power

Extraplanar Power


Increase your Movement Speed by 12% for 3s after activating Projection.

Level 2

Unexpected Complications

Unexpected Complications


Regenerate 10 Ammo every 0.5s for 1.5s after using Projection.

Level 3

Stunning Visage

Stunning Visage


Enemies hit by Projection are stunned for 1s and any enemy caught between your Projection and you when you Teleport takes 800 damage.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-227 SR
View Match
1 / 7 / 1
0.21 KDA
Level 13 / 1,256G
Overwhelming Force

Overwhelming Force

Generate 3% Ultimate charge after getting Killing Blow or Elimination while Designated Sights is active.

Level 3

Snap To It

Snap To It

Reduce the time it takes to bring up Designated Sights by 20%.

Level 2

Clean Shots

Clean Shots

Reduce your weapon recoil by 60% while using Commanding Leap.

Level 3

Tactical Fire

Tactical Fire


Generate 2 Ammo after getting a Killing Blow or Elimination while Designated Sights is active.

Level 2

Fire and Maneuver

Fire and Maneuver


Increase your Movement Speed by 30% for 2.5s after getting a Killing Blow or Elimination.

Level 5

Hell or High Water

Hell or High Water

Upon landing with the Commanding Leap ability create a small pool underneath you that will heal both you and allies for 600 health over 1.5s. Octavia's ammo is not consumed while standing inside of this field.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-231 SR
View Match
1 / 8 / 0
0.13 KDA
Level 12 / 1,215G
Running Start

Running Start


Increase your Movement Speed by 20% for 3s after using Charge.

Level 2

Looks That Kill

Looks That Kill


Reduce the Cooldown of Charge by 2.4s after hitting an enemy with Fireball.

Level 4

Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer


Reduce the Cooldown of Charge by 0.5s for every 1000 damage your Shield takes.

Level 1

Safe Travel

Safe Travel


Gain a 450-Health Shield for 3s after you use Charge.

Level 3




Reduce the Cooldown of Fireball by 2.25s.

Level 5




Your Shield now uses a resource that Regenerates over time instead of using a Cooldown.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+236 SR
View Match
11 / 8 / 7
1.81 KDA
Level 11 / 2,635G
Heat Sink

Heat Sink

Pyre Ball

Dealing damage with Pyre Ball reduces the Cooldown of Frost Bomb by 2.4000000000000004s.

Level 3



Elemental Shift

Reduce your damage taken by 20% for 2s after activating Elemental Shift.

Level 4

Arcane Flame

Arcane Flame

Inferno Cannon

Increase the Mana generation of Inferno Cannon by 45%.

Level 3

Swift Sear

Swift Sear

Inferno Cannon

Increase your Movement Speed while casting Inferno Cannon by 60%.

Level 3

Pyretic Momentum

Pyretic Momentum

Frostfire Glide

FrostFire Glide travels 10% faster.

Level 2

Splitting Ice

Splitting Ice

Frost Bolt

Frost Bolt Chains to a nearby enemy within 30 units, dealing 225 damage.

Level 1